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Third Person's Point of View

Even with the dilemma crashing inside of her, she managed to fake a confident smirk and teased him.

She's good at being this girl who doesn't look like she can't feel any remorse for people.

Well... sometimes she does, most times she doesn't.

"That early? You're so needy, Trost boy." She said and winked at him, even adding in a smirk for good measure.

"Ah, who cares? Kisses are just kisses, right?" He pointed out with a devilish grin, his body going closer to hers, a few more inches and their lips will meet.

'Right. Kisses are just two lips pressed together. You're such a moron for forgetting that, Y/N.', she cussed herself out.

Their lips almost touched but Y/N intervened, placing her index figure on his lips just between them and chuckled as she looked over him with her flirtatious eyes.

"There's a few things I need to make clear with you first." She said, their faces still close.

Due to the distance, she can see every change or movement from his face. It kind of made her feel funny seeing Jean be very confident all of a sudden.

Her bestfriend must be very hurt right now to even stoop this way.

Jean has always been the one to get flustered when she get flirty, but now he's the one flirting with her.

"What?" She felt Jean's minty breath touch her skin as he replied.

"I'm only doing this because you want me to." She said in a serious but also laid back tone and focused on his brown orbs.

Jean didn't mind her conditions at all.

What he and Y/N talked about a few weeks ago about her telling him he's better off pining over Mikasa, let's just say he half-agreed to that.

He gets the signal that Y/N doesn't want to date him, but at the same time, he felt like the only reason that she doesn't want to date him is because of her past, in which he cares nothing about.

He doesn't care what kind of a person she used to be or what the things she's done.

She's Y/N.

That's all there is to it.

But even then, he still does like Mikasa. He still liked her more than he does with this girl in front of her.

As Y/N said, never make her the second choice.

Well, it looks like he's not a choice in her part either.

So no malice if you're kissing without feelings, right?

Wow, Jean. You're kind of a genius, huh?

"Uh huh." Jean answered, nodding with confidence.

He knows she's going to agree because he knows that Y/N isn't the type of person to back out. When she promises something, she does it no matter how embarrassing it might be.

Her pride is too big to even fold on any challenge they give her. Hell, she messed with Commandant Keith Shadis just to do a dare during their Cadet days.

There's no way she's going to fold now.

"And you're not allowed to fall in love with me." She added again, staring into his brown eyes.

In Jean's perspective, she was mesmerizing.

It's like he's getting hypnotized just by looking at her.

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