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Third person's Point of View

Everyone came inside the cabin where the mess hall is. It was a tiring day, maybe not physically for everyone except Sasha Blouse, but rather emotionally.

Imagine getting bullied by your higher ups all day, getting shouted and picked on, making you respond in a savage manner... Who wouldn't be tired? 

There's one thing that cures tiredness... food and sleep.

The sky is turning darker and darker by the second. The sun started to set on the horizon too.

After walking out on the cadets just earlier, Y/N walked around the camp. She found a big tree near the toolsheds. She climbed up in the tree easily and sat on the big branch of it.

"So this is how it's going to be for three years..." She whispered. She admired how the sky looked. It was too surreal, too magical. To think that you couldn't see the rest of the world's wonders just because there are big-ass man eating titans roaming around outside the walls who will forcefully make you meet the afterlife,

"Life is such a drag. I will fucking lose it if I didn't get satisfied with this shit." She murmured.

Y/N longs for her life purpose. For her, life has no meaning. And living on the edge sure will supply her the right amount of adrenaline. 

"Hmm. I should get to where the kids are." 

She jumped down the high tree, landing gracefully on the ground.

She walked back to where she came from, memorized the place already. She was greeted with noise coming from the hall. "What the hell is happening?"

She got inside, seeing one table too overcrowded than the rest.

"Woah, seriously?"

"Okay, exactly how tall was he?"

"He stuck his head over the outer wall." She heard a familiar voice.


She smirked and crossed her arms as she picked one table to sit on. 'Perfect', she thought. Why, would you ask? The table next to Eren has free space. She sat down there, sitting next to a blonde guy with an undercut.

She rested her chin on her hand, while her elbow rested on the table. Surprisingly, the guy sitting next to her did the same thing. She gave him a sultry smile, and offered her other hand. The guy stood up straight and took it.

'This is the guy from Trost', she thought. "I'm Y/N L/N, I'm from Trost. You are?"

In truth, Y/N knows his name. It would be too weird and suspicious if she knew without him introducing himself in the first place, right? "You're the one who fought back with Shadis. Jean Kirschtein." He replied.

She really will be known as the bitch who will take no shit even if you're her senior. 

She likes that.

"Wow, such a manly name. As expected from someone from Trost." She flattered. Jean blushed immediately and smiled lightly at her. "T-Thank you. You look-" Before he could even reply, the girl finished her own sentence.

"Beautiful? Stunning? Lovely? Oh, I know." She replied with a wink. The man got more flustered which made the girl let out a laugh. "You're so young you get that flustered." She said and gave another smirk.

Jean regained his composure and flashed a smile as well. "You act like you're older than all of us." He retorted. "Hm? Oh, I am. I may be young by body, but I'm old by heart." She replied.

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