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Third Person's Point of View

Yellow lightning strike inside the Titan forest, getting the attention of the Survey Corps approaching it from the outside.

"A light?" Mikasa asked herself as she saw a small light coming from the gaps of the trees, staring at her in the eyes.

"Straight ahead in the forest! I saw a light! It's the light that appears when a Titan transforms!" Armin yelled out, informing the Commander Erwin Smith of his observations as they charge forward.

The blonde commander heard Armin clearly, opening his mouth to voice out his commands for the situation. "So we're just in time. Soldiers, disperse!" The army of the soldiers, a mix of Survey Corps, Garrison and Military Police, split into two, avoiding the Titans coming into the middle of the formation. "We believe the enemy has already transformed! Locate and recover Eren!"

Even with the commands, one Military Police was just not as skillful as the Survey Corps soldiers, getting himself taken by a Titan and bitten on the head.

"Another one of the police!" Jean yelled, riding on his horse just next to Connie.

"Engaging in battle is not the objective! Prioritize recovery and retreat!" Erwin commanded on the front lines, redirecting Jean's attention to him.

"Phil! Round up the horses!" Hannes told the Garrison soldier next to him as they both prepare to use their omnidirectional gears.

"Yes, Sir!"

They set off of their horses, launching themselves on the air with their steel wires. "The first priority is to find the enemy and let the others know! They should be fleeing from the forest! Disperse!" Hannes told the others, in which includes Mikasa and Armin.

'Eren, where are you?!', Armin and Mikasa thought simultaneously, stopping on their tracks when they heard a peculiar sound coming inside of the forest.

They stopped on a nearby tree, looking around the area to see where the wailing is coming from, just the same as the other soldiers on the area who's wondering the same thing.

"Is that a Titan screaming? It came from ahead!" The other soldiers on the front yelled.

On a clearing, there they saw a relatively smaller Titan than the Colossal, hanging itself by the arm on a tree branch.

The soldier lifted his arms to get his blades from his gear, ready to attack it. "You can't hide from me!

He almost went in for the attack if it wasn't for Connie Springer who intercepted and stopped the assault. "Wait!"

Connie landed on the tree next to the Titan. "This is Ymir! She's the one they took! She's in Titan form!" He explained, guarding Ymir with his presence.

A rustling caught Connie's ear and there she was, the second he whipped his head, he saw a person emerge from the Titan's hair.

"Y/N! You're here! Where's Eren?" Connie asked but she replied with silence, purposely looking away from him.

In confusion, Connie shifted his gaze to the Titan, staring at it on the eyes. "Hey, Ymir! Why are you two the only one here?" Ymir's big Titan head moved to the side, looking away from the boy, ignoring him completely as Y/N does the same. The only difference was, you can't see Ymir's expression while she did it but Connie noticed the pained look of the woman standing on the Titan's head.

"Where's Eren? What about Reiner? Bertholdt? Y/N, talk to me!" Connie pleaded but the two wouldn't talk.

Soon enough, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean caught up, seeing Connie practically beg on the two just to give him something, anything that can point where Eren might've been.

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