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Third Person's Point of View

"HURRY UP! FOLLOW MIKASA! AVOID FIGHTING IF YOU CAN! GET TO HQ BEFORE YOU RUN OUT OF GAS!" Jean shouted, the wind ruffling his undercut.  The soldiers flew around the area, following the lead of their rank one.

Y/N flew behind Armin, guarding him for possible Titans that they might encounter. She knew Armin is very vulnerable right now and needs the utmost help. Y/N will do anything that she can to protect Armin at all costs.

"Whoa, Mikasa is a badass! How is she going so fast?!" Connie asked, admiring the girl. White air puffs out of her gear, which made Armin's eyes go wide. 

'No! Mikasa's using too much gas! She could run out at any second! It doesn't matter how skilled she is. Once we lose mobility, we're as good as dead!', he thought.

Y/N did notice Mikasa going into the battlefield very fast. She swung to took a turn and her grappling hook broke a piece of the building. Mikasa launched two of her hooks and slayed the nearest Titan with lightning speed and taking another turn.

'If she kills Titans to relieve her of her grief, that's fine. But she's being a suicidal maniac just like Eren right now! She will die any second if she keeps on doing that!' Y/N thought, enraged.

'What? She'll let herself die? And leave Armin all alone? Do I look like their personal babysitter?' Y/N thought again. 'So I have two kids on my watch now?'

'I see through the veil of her composure. She's letting adrenaline distract her from grief! At any time, she could...' Armin said to himself. As he said so, Mikasa ran out of gas and fell from the air and crashed down on a roof. Any second now, she will fall to the concrete and die.

"Mikasa!" Armin shouted and went after his best friend.

"Armin!" Y/N shouted, slowing her pace so she could follow Armin and Mikasa after she has a solid plan with Jean and Connie. She can't just disappear and go rogue without a plan.

"Damn!" Jean shouted, but he's still going forward. His face looked worried sick of Mikasa but Connie spoke out. "Jean, you lead the rest to HQ! I'm going after Armin!"

"I'll go with you!" Jean said, attempting to shift his course despite the momentum.

"Don't be stupid! There are still Titans everywhere! You've got to help the others! Y/N, don't even dare come after Armin!" Connie shouted and spat angrily at her.

'So the dimwit calls us stupid now, huh.'

"What the fuck, Connie?! Just let me go after them and you go ahead with Jean!" Y/N replied back in a hurry. 'Time is ticking, make up your mind Connie!'

"Are you really going to let your emotions decide for yourself, Y/N?! You're the other rank one! The best thing you could do for Mikasa and Armin is to do Mikasa's job!" Connie convinced.

'He's... He's right. Leading the others is the logical option. It is what's best for all of us. With my skills, I could save more soldiers. But if Armin and Mikasa dies... it'll be all my fault. My fault again because I was so powerless. Damn it, Connie!'

"Tsk! Fine! Once I refill my gas, I'll find all of you! You better make sure you and the others are in one piece Connie or I will personally kill you!" Y/N shouted and smirked at him.

"Fuck off, Y/N!" He replied and laughed one last time before he disappeared to come after the two.


"It's no use. We're not getting anywhere near Headquarters. Unless, of course, we don't mind dying." Jean muttered as he looked down at the Titans roaming the empty street. Y/N stood dozens of roof away from Jean, scouting the area and contemplating if she should kill the Titans on the streets.

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