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Third Person's Point of View

Jean kissed Y/N, something that the girl never expected he will do. What Y/N intended to do is to die alongside him. Y/N want to live, of course, to stay alive for a certain someone, but she couldn't bear the fact that her friend, Jean, will die while she's around, let alone breathing and living.

She promised she will see him again, no matter what the cost is. She lost her will to live plenty of times, and he was her will to live. And now she's throwing her life away again out of many times she did in the past.

But she also concluded that if Jean dies, she might as well too. She's so tired of everyone she loves dying... leaving. When they died, why didn't she too?

If Jean dies, why won't she too?

'I'm sorry, Armin. Looks like I'm just a liar after all.'

Her eyes are wide as their lips connected, but Jean's are not. His eyes are closed, trying to relax in this chaotic situation they're in.

She remembered that night she and Jean talked about 'living their life properly' and she understood what this act is.

'So Jean want to experience how a kiss feels before he dies. Since we're both dying anyway... Who am I do deny him of this?'

She kissed him back and closed her eyes too, feeling the moment. Y/N intertwined her palms on his nape. She felt Jean smile for a quick second and continued to kiss her, his lips moving in a sweet, soft and gentle manner, despite their surroundings being the exact opposite.

They waited for the Titan to eat them but it never happened for some reason.

They were both running out of breath, and Y/N was the first one to pull away from the kiss, her face glowing in a faint color of red as she stared back at his face.

His hair is messy with the air blowing in from the hole in the wall of the building where two Titan heads are stuck in. The moment their eyes met, Jean looked like he woke up from a fever dream, where he couldn't process what just happened yet.

"Y/N, you look-" Jean stated, putting his palm on Y/N's cheek with a blush on his face but was interrupted when a huge fist collided with the Titan in front of the two of them.

He and Y/N jumped up, startled, of what just happened.

"What?" He muttered.

Y/N's eyes widened seeing the other Titan, thinking if it's another threat. Another big Titan came into view but Y/N noticed it's different. 

Do she take her blades out or not? But the Titan just decked another of its own kind, isn't it enough proof to make her think that the Titan might not be a threat and give it the benefit of the doubt?

The way its body is build, the mannerisms, even the facial expressions. The Titan roared loudly, starting a mix of emotions inside Y/N and Jean.

"Wha- What the-? My God." Jean muttered under his breath, staring at the Titan in front of them. 

They heard a loud crashing sound and their heads turned to look. They saw Mikasa with her blades drawn, probably because she used her blades to break the glass.

Connie followed after her using his gear with Armin in his arms.

"Mikasa, you're-" Jean said in surprise, walking towards them, and Mikasa just looked at him with a blank expression.

"Wow, close one. I was running on fumes. We made it here, though! Crazy, but we did!" Connie said, smiling, as he knocks on his gear. Y/N ran towards them and hugged Armin very tight.

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