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Third Person's Point of View

"He's not regenerating." Mikasa Ackerman told Y/N, the two of them looking over at Eren's Titan form, who's sitting on the concrete without any care of the world.

They're discussing about what they can do to bring back Eren's consciousness in this dire situation. After all, it's all up to the boy.

If he wakes up, then he can fulfill his mission.

If he doesn't... then maybe Y/N was wrong in her judgement.

"No shit. Of course, I can see that." Y/N said and sighed, face palming herself in frustration.

This is the first time in years that she became this stressed. She got into really bad situations before but... this is different.

Lives of hundreds or thousands of people are on the line, and it's all their responsibility, including her.

"I mean, why did I even trusted your boyfriend, Mikasa? For all I know, maybe he is a fucking dumb Titan who managed to get inside his mother's womb and everyone just thought he's human." Y/N said, clearly being sarcastic about it.

Mikasa's cheeks hinted a bright red in an instant and stuttered on her words.

"W-Why does everybody think that... Even Captain Ian did..." She said and looked away from the shorter girl in embarrassment.

Y/N stared at her for a few seconds and sighed again, pinching the bridge of her nose because her short patience is running out.

"That's what you're worried about? Jeez, I made a whole sarcastic comment about him and all you heard was the boyfriend part." Y/N paced back and forth as she said so.

Mikasa tried to gain back her composure. 

She coughed awkwardly and said, "He used to regenerate earlier when he saved us. But even normal Titans regenerate after a minute, right? He must be tired because of his transformations."

"You have a point. Being a Titan must've taken a toll on his body. If that's right, then there's a possibility he's just resting inside his Titan form and will wake up later." Y/N said, holding her chin thoughtfully.

"But... we don't-" Mikasa started but Y/N continued the sentence.

"-Know when he's going to wake up. I figured as much." Y/N said again and sighed.

Y/N probably sighed more today then she did from the rest of her life, which says something.

She is so stressed about the whole situation to the point that she can't even joke about it anymore. Her stress is not even because of her own safety, it's all about the people around her. 

Can she save them? Can she reduce the number of casualties?

She's a ruthless person, that's a given. But over the years... she realized that she needs to be more compassionate towards people. 

It'll be so selfish of her to only look after the people most dear to her while the rest of humanity dies.

While thinking for a way to deal with Eren, she saw a figure on the short distance.

"Armin! What are you doing here?!" Y/N asked, seeing Armin on top of the roof of the house in front of her.

He looks so exhausted, his face prickling with sweat.

"What are you doing, Eren?!" Armin shouted, ignoring Y/N's question.

Suddenly, loud footsteps rang on the area and Y/N looked up to see some Titans approaching them. 

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