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Third Person's Point of View

"It's here! The main unit of the Scout Regiment!" The shouts of the people occupied the whole ground, tons of people watched as the main unit of the Scout regiment goes out of the walls again for another expedition.

"Commander Erwin! Give those Titans a real thrashing!"

"Look! It's Captain Levi!"

Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Y/N, Jean and the other cadets are out, also awaiting for the Scout regiment's departure. Eren looked to the soldier's direction and marveled at the captain.

"They say he's as mighty as an entire brigade!" One man from the crowd said, his sentiment reaching the Captain's ears.

"Tch. Talk about annoying." He muttered as he gave the man a side eye. Y/N was there, looking at the Captain riding the horse. It's been weeks since they last saw each other, maybe 3 or 5 months?

Y/N heard they went to an expedition a few months ago after Erwin's urgent matter, and now they're back again. Surprisingly, they're still alive. Not a lot of soldiers from the Survey Corps are fortunate enough to come back alive, you know.

The Captain met Y/N's eyes, her eyes in a bored expression. Even so, you could tell she's ecstatic to be out of the academy and be able to roam around the streets after 3 years of her so called 'imprisonment'. 

She gave him her usual sultry smile and blew him a kiss as his horse went farther and farther. You could say that's her way of saying 'Don't fucking die'.

"This is nothing like five years ago! People actually feel hopeful about the scout members!" Eren said with a happy face. Five years ago, people are pissed every time another batch of soldiers come out of the walls, saying it's a waste of time and taxes.

"Yeah, everyone's cheered up since then. Nothing's happened in five years." Hannah Diament, another cadet, spoke up.

"They've upgraded the mounted cannons too. I doubt the Colossal Titan will show up anymore." Franz Kefka replied with a smiling expression.

"Yeah." The girl replied.

"That's a load of crap, you idiotic couple!" Eren said in annoyance with Armin smiling nervously beside him. The two cadets became flustered.

"Shut up, Jaeger." Y/N said, rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"W-What? Us? A married couple?" Hannah dismissed and hid her face from everyone by turning her body around. 

"You're getting ahead of yourself, Eren!" Franz covered his mouth and chin, trying to hide his grin but he can't get rid of his blush.

Eren got more irritated by the two's reactions and Armin laughed nervously, still trying to make the situation as calm as possible.

Y/N looked at the crowd's different reactions. Yes, there are positive remarks but she noticed some people with dark expressions at the Plaza.

"Pathetic." Y/N muttered as she glanced around the people who's not celebrating the Survey Corps' departure. 

'Imagine sacrificing your life for knowledge and these ungrateful dumbos talk all shit.', Y/N thought and rolled her eyes.

Ymir nudged Y/N on the ribs. "Hey, we're finally out of the academy. Stop the sass for a minute, will ya?" She said.

"I will if you kiss me!" Y/N joked and threw herself to Ymir, who almost didn't catch her.

"Stupid! I'll only kiss Krista!"

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