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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N followed Levi, leaving her two closest acquaintances.

She sighed as she walked with the captain, her mind completely distracted and flew around unconsciously.

It was the first time she met Lily and Mason again after almost five years, of course she would be dazed. A few minutes worth of conversation isn't enough to compensate for all of the time they lost.

She even thought about running back just to see them again, but she knew she's only going to make it harder for her once Lily and Mason leaves.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even hear Levi speaking to her.

"Oi, brat." His gruff voice rang in her ears.

She snapped awake and her eyes met the captain's piercing ones. He's walking just in front of her, and it was Y/N who's been lagging behind him.

"I was asking you a question." He said and muttered a 'tsk' out of annoyance.

Y/N blinking a few times before looking at him.

"I...I wasn't paying attention. What was it?" She said, her voice weak.

Levi still had a scowl on his face as he walked, but his eyes are focused on the path they're walking on.

Y/N couldn't see his expressions at all as they walked.

"I said, who were they?" Levi repeated.

'If this brat still wouldn't answer this time around, I won't repeat it again.', He thought to himself.

Y/N gulped down her nervousness before shifting back to her usual self, the flirty and confident one.

She's been out of her elements since this morning, and it's starting to disgust her on how angsty she acts.

"Why, you jealous?" She asked the captain and even had the guts to wink at him, her voice flirtatious.

Levi turned to her and gave her a look of disgust, then rolling his eyes. 

"Why did I even ask?" He asked himself then walked faster, trying to leave Y/N on their way.

'Try to find the office on your own, you brat.', he thought again.

She laughed and clicked her tongue, placing her left hand on her nape and her right inside her pocket before replying. "'Met them when I was in the interior."

Levi's mind wandered to the things he heard about Y/N from Nile Dok's mouth and then replied to her. "I see."

He didn't want to ask her more, given that he saw that she was distressed earlier.

Not that he cares much.

But he knows that if he were on her shoes, he wouldn't like being questioned on the spot and have everyone know the things he endured before being on the way he is now.

"I didn't know they'll come here, though. Wall Sina is too far away from Trost." Y/N said and sighed, looking up at the sky.

"The sky really is beautiful..." She whispered to herself with a gentle smile on her lips.

Levi heard her and spoke again.

"Your man has issues, glaring at me like he has a problem with me or something." He muttered and made a 'tss' sound.

He didn't liked the way Mason looked at him. They haven't met before, so why did he act like that? Levi doesn't care much if Mason doesn't like him but it did made him curious as to why he looked at him like that.

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