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Third Person's Point of View

"Morning, roomies. What a lovely day to bring humanity to the brink of extinction, ain't it?" Y/N sarcastically said, finally sitting up on the huge tree branch she was just laying on.

Reiner, still standing in front of her as he shoot daggers in her direction, made her smirk wider. Eyes that were usually black has been colored purple the whole time since she's woken up, sending chills on the two boys' spines.

They thought that after seeing it for a few times will make them adjust to it but clearly, they still haven't.

Staring at her eyes feel like staring into danger, a dark abyss with no way out.

"Is that how you speak to your friends, Reiner? Social etiquette says that you can't open a conversation without greeting the person you're talking to first. That's just rude." Y/N scoffed, acting like she got offended but she really didn't mind at all.

Hell, she don't even care if he drops dead in front of her feet.

"Funny, L/N." Reiner replied with no hint of emotion on his face.

Y/N's attitude made the blonde more anxious.

Yeah, sure, usually they get along.

Back when they were in the academy, Y/N's one of the few cadets Reiner can joke around and actually have a conversation with.

Even when they got trapped inside the headquarters during the battle for Trost, it was Y/N who went along with his joke of a Titan having another weak spot, making fun of Connie and Sasha.

If circumstances were different, he and Y/N would've been really close.

If only Reiner's whole everybody's-big-brother attitude was real.

And only Y/N's playful, bratty attitude wasn't such a mechanism to drive everyone away.

Y/N's head turned to look at the other huge tree branch just a few meters away from her.

She saw an unconscious Ymir and Eren, completely oblivious of the situation as they snooze their physical injuries. Both of the Titan shifters had their limbs cut off as smoke comes out of its skin's surface.

Inside, her blood boiled in rage.

Ymir is the closest friend she's ever had. The first person in the Corps in whom she told parts of her life story to.

While Eren... true, she did hate him. But it's part of her job to keep him alive, you know?

Even now, Y/N still denies it to herself that she's starting to like Eren Jaeger as a friend, as much as he annoyed the hell out of her.

Right there, she wanted to behead Reiner, stab both his eyes out until blood fountains out of them then feed it to his disgusting mouth.

But she told herself that violence can wait.

She has another acting gig to accomplish.

Looking forward to that moment is the only way she can keep herself calm.

Y/N looked at the blonde once more with a playful scoff. "What, y'all didn't cut my arms and legs off too? I'm jealous. I'm sensing a little bit of favoritism here. Who are you to assume I like my limbs?"

"You always respond to serious situation with shitty jokes, like everything's nothing to you. You're not one bit scared of dying. I should've known, I should've seen all the signs." Reiner didn't blink as he observed the girl's features, hoping that he can see something shift on her face that can indicate what she's truly feeling, what's she's actually thinking of and how the gears inside her head turn.

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