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Third Person's Point of View

"For now, let's get to a place without Titans! We need to get as far away as possible!" Reiner orders as the three of them, him, Bertholdt, and Y/N soar through the trees.

Reiner has Eren on his back, who's still unconscious as Ymir rode on Bertholdt's back, looking over her shoulder to see about a dozen of Titans running after them inside the Titan forest.

"My Titan form isn't very fast. If I get surrounded, I won't be able to protect you guys!" Reiner continued with his explanation but all his reasoning isn't clicking with Ymir, who's now getting annoyed every second the blonde was talking.

"So why don't we just wait until nightfall?!" Ymir scream back.

'She still doesn't know that the Scouts are coming? Fuck, I should've told her. I thought she already noticed.', Y/N thought to herself.

'Now that she knows that the Corps are coming, she might change the plan, Y/N.', Entity told her host.

'Right. Of course, I'll adjust to her, I'll keep that in mind.'

'Smoke signals? Did the Scouts come to rescue us?', Ymir thought to herself as she looked back, with Bertholdt, Reiner, and Y/N kept going forward using their omnidirectional gears.

"Unless they brought loads of horses over the walls, that formation won't work. Someone made that call... I didn't think it would happen so soon. It must be Commander Erwin. He's a tough opponent!" Reiner kept talking as they soared through the trees.

'Erwin... he really is a tough opponent. Truth be told, even I'm struggling to checkmate him on our mind games. I may be a manipulator but Erwin is one too.', Y/N's mind went elsewhere.

'It's hard winning against him but don't you remember the one time you almost had him? That one time you almost killed him?', Entity said, reminding Y/N of something that happened long ago.

'Yeah, I do. I remember that day. I was furious, I told people that I was gonna come after him. But in the end...' Y/N trailed, thinking back on that day.

Memories ran inside her head.

Of a bar;

Hearing the splashing of her boot on the small puddles of water;

And a man peering up at her with either confusion or fascination as tears well up in her eyes.

'You didn't do it.', Entity ended the sentence for her, feeling proud.

'Yeah.', Y/N responded in her head.

'Because you knew it wasn't a good idea. Turns out, you were right, despite me being the one to put it in your head in the first place. If you had killed him that day, then he wouldn't be here leading those soldiers to come rescue you.', Entity giggled a little bit. 'Isn't that so ironic?'

Another loud bang from behind them echoed inside the forest.

Snapping out of her daze, Y/N turned her body around to look at what's happened, seeing a green flare on the sky, spreading the powder on the air.

"Shit! They're already that close?! It's Eren's fault for going berserk." Y/N heard Reiner mutter in front of her.

She hid the smile now appearing on her lips, grateful that Erwin's beautiful mind lead to this fucking situation she calls a miracle.

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