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Third Person's Point of View

True enough, Hannes was telling the truth.

When Armin looked at the direction they're going to, there's a hoard of Titans about to welcome the Armored Titan, which is the one they're riding on.

Which means... that if he goes down, they go down with him.

Erwin Smith was leading the hoard, he's riding on his horse as a bunch of soldiers went after him, lots of Titans riding on their heels.

"You guys! Jump and get out of there!" Hannes screamed towards the little party on the Armored Titan's neck.

All of their friends, except for Historia, jumped off just in time as Erwin lead the soldiers away from the Titan as well, successful and bringing a hoard to slow down Reiner's pace.

"All soldiers, disperse! Get far away from the Titans!" Erwin commanded.

Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Jean, and Sasha's horses caught them on their saddles as the Armored Titan braced for the impact of dozens of bodies colliding to him. Reiner crossed his arms in front of him and pushed the Titans in front of him away using his strength and momentum, his armor giving him an advantage in the situation.

The Armored Titan collided with the hoard and knocked off a few Titans off of their feet but there's just too many Titans surrounding them, it was a suicide mission.

Reiner tripped from all the mass weighing on him from behind, falling down on his knees as the hoard of Titans surround him and Ymir. Ymir, who's still riding on Reiner's nape, braced for the impact as well. The plan was going okay, all is well until one Titan from behind Ymir saw Historia and planned to eat her first.

"Historia!" Ymir growled and spun around, slashing the Titan on its face, saving Historia just in time.

The rest of the hoard bunched up towards Reiner, completely immobilizing him. Suddenly, he roared... as if he's trying to scream out something to someone somewhere.

"What's going on? Is this hell?" Jean muttered under his breath as he watched the Titans attack their own. He even saw Ymir biting off another Titan's face, spitting out the flesh from her mouth as blood drip down from it.

Erwin Smith suddenly came from behind Jean, riding his horse towards the commotion fast. "No, but it will be! Focus on getting the boy and Y/N! We must never let anyone take them away from us! All soldiers, charge!"

All the soldiers stared at him either in awe or in mortification.

"The fate of humanity will be determined at this very moment!" Erwin raised his blade up in the air, voice beaming with pride as his back is turned to them. "There is no future where humanity can inhabit these lands without Eren! Y/N is an asset to humanity, we cannot lose her!"

Erwin then looked back over his shoulder, looking at his subordinates. "We recover Y/N and Eren and retreat immediately!"

 "We recover Y/N and Eren and retreat immediately!"

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