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Third Person's Point of View

"Smoke signals. Green." Levi muttered, taking notice of the green colored flares decorating the clear afternoon sky.

"Oluo. You fire it." Levi commanded to Oluo Bozado, who's right next to him in the formation.

"Understood, Sir!" The subordinate replied and fired his own flare as expected.

Suddenly, a soldier caught up to the Levi squad with an important announcement to make.

"Reporting, Sir! It's an oral message!" One of the Survey Corps member came to view, riding his horse and lining up with Captain Levi.

"Right wing spotters decimated! Detection network partially out! Please pass this message on to the left!"

Hearing this, Levi turned to his other side and spoke with a calm and steady voice.

"You heard him, Petra. Go."

"Yes, Sir!" Petra Ral responded with furrowed eyebrows and broke away from the formation.

It has been an hour since they departed from the walls.

An hour is merely 60 minutes but who knows that a lot can happen in that short time duration?

For an instance, there was a female looking Titan with blonde hair and bright gleaming eyes who went after Ness and Cid, who unfortunately died while trying to battle it in order to protect Armin Arlert and their subordinates.

Armin Arlert, managed to escape death in a really peculiar way.

Right when his life flashed in his eyes, The female looking Titan took a hold of his Survey Corps cloak with its huge fingers as its face peered closer to his... as if its trying to look at his face, determining who he is.

Jean and Reiner came to his rescue, with Reiner's head almost exploding because the female looking Titan pinched his skull with an enormous amount of force.

Luckily, he escaped by cutting the fingers of the said Titan and took Armin away who were frozen in fear.

Jean lost his horse but Krista as the goddess she is, found them and brought back Jean's horse, Buchwald, who came running her way just a few minutes prior.

Right after Petra left, three black signal flares were spotted by Eren's wide opened eyes.

"An abnormal?!"

With gritted teeth, Levi gave another command. "Eren. You fire it."

"Y-Yes, Sir!"

"This is disgraceful. We've let them pretty deep inside the formation." Levi muttered in annoyance as Eren fired the flare just beside him, covering his ear as he does so.

Y/N, who were on the last of the formation, heard everything and decided to get in front so she can speak with the captain.

"Hey, shortcake!" Y/N shouted with little stress in her tone, her horse finally going side by side with Levi's stallion.

The captain hissed, irritated by the pest trying to bother him right now.

Of all the times the brat could've bothered him, why now when all of them are in a critical condition?

How could she be so childish?

Almost every minute, another soldier somewhere in the formation encounters the female looking Titan and dubbed it as an abnormal, dying as they try to fight it and falls into an inevitable death.

It seems like the intelligent Titan was keeping the soldiers from reporting to the Levi Squad and so... not one from the Levi Squad knows about its existence.

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