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Third Person's Point of View

"Come on, guys! We can do it! Right?! Let's go! If we work together, we can make this happen. I know we can! Alright?! I'll take the lead!" Sasha's voice rang on the other roof, feets away from Y/N.

She's trying to cheer up the other three soldiers with her, who's unfortunately not listening to a word she says. She kept her smile despite the gloomy atmosphere, and her eyes landed on Armin Arlert, who's sitting in front of a building, his head downcast. 

"Armin! It's time to go!" She told him, but Armin was petrified. His once sunny, bright, eyes are now lifeless and dull. Nothing got through to him and so, Sasha just sighed.

She turned to look at the other direction where four soldiers stood, Reiner Braun, Berthold Hoover, Annie Leonhart, and Marco Bodt.

"Reiner, do we move out?" The blonde girl asked, giving the taller male beside her a side eye.

"Not yet. We have to let them gather up first." He replied. Marco then spoke out, his face looking really scared. "It's no use. There's too many of them. I don't think any of us are gonna survive this." He said and looked up, his eyes wide in fear. 

"I've come to accept my pending demise. I just... wanted my death to mean something."

Fast approaching footsteps echoed on the silent space, the mourning soldiers awoke, seeing their other rank one, and the only rank one they actually respect, Mikasa Ackerman.

"Mikasa, weren't you with the rear guard?!" One cadet shouted.

"Annie! I know how bad things have gotten, it's selfish putting personal matters in the forefront, but have you seen Eren's squad?" She asked in a hurry.

The commotion caught Y/N's attention from the other roof. She patted Jean on the arm comfortingly before standing up and stretching her limbs.

"Don't know about you two but I am OUT." She said and laughed, launching her hook to get to the other roof.

She landed near Sasha and stood beside her, crossing her arms. Sasha's face is so sorrowful, that Y/N almost didn't recognize her. Thinking of why Sasha's like that, her eyes landed on Armin, who's sitting pitifully near Sasha.

She kneeled down to look at his face and saw his grim expression. He didn't even acknowledge her presence.

Her chest tightened seeing Armin like that, but she didn't make any move to try and make Armin feel better. She doesn't want to pressure him into telling her what happened... she don't want to break him.

And besides, she's not the best at comforting people.

"Some squads made it back but I don't know about Eren's." Annie coldly replied to Mikasa.

"We found Armin, he's over there." Reiner pointed to Armin, who has Y/N crouching in front of him.

"Armin!" The tall woman called her best friend.

Y/N turned to look at Mikasa after hearing her voice, and the woman hurried towards them. Y/N felt Armin shuffle uncomfortably and looked at him again in worry. 

"Y/N, why aren't you in the rear guard with us?!" Mikasa angrily pointed at her as she approached them.

"I was only gone for a few hours, no need to miss me too much." Y/N replied coolly but she didn't smile, unlike the usual. Mikasa rolled her eyes for a moment and crouched beside Y/N.

"If you didn't want to be in the rear guard, you should have accompanied Armin and the others earlier. You promised you will protect him, didn't you?" Mikasa said before turning her attention to Armin.

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