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Third Person's Point of View

"C-Commander Pyxis?" Woermann muttered in shock. Pyxis looked over at Y/N who still have her dagger on her hand, gripping the handle of it tightly. She had the blade pointing down as a death glare radiate from her vicious eyes.

He gave her a smile and Y/N scoffed in anger from it.

"I could've had him if you didn't interfere." Y/N spoke up and looked angrily at the commander as she let down her guard and put her foot up a little bit so she could tuck her dagger back to its rightful place.

The man laughed and pointed at her boot. 

"That's a nice weapon you got there. Aren't you going to thank me for stopping mister Woermann from shooting your friends to bits?" He said calmly, and started to walk forward on the brick concrete.

Woermann looked like he's been spacing out for the last minute and didn't move a single inch from his almost encounter with Y/N. His body shook from terror, he could've died a few seconds ago if it wasn't for his commander.

Not only that, but he's still affected by the clash of his emotions even after everything that Armin Arlert have said a few minutes prior to save his friends.

"Tch. I suppose thanks are in order." Y/N muttered and the commander looked at her with a gentle expression, clearly not fazed by her attitude.

"Can you not see that soldier's salute? I've only just arrived, but I've been filled in on the situation." Pyxis said and looked over at the captain, whose mouth is still open from shock.

"You're in charge of the reinforcements now. Something tells me we ought to hear these people out, you see..." The old man said in an amused voice.

Armin saw the whole situation diffused and his knees felt weak. His muscles gave out, and he fell onto the ground while Eren and Mikasa stared at the old man in appreciation. Commander Pyxis just saved their life, and they couldn't be more grateful.

Well, Woermann should be grateful too because he's not lying on the ground right now with blood spurting out of his neck.

"Armin!" Y/N quickly moved after seeing the whole situation die down and ran to his direction but the soldiers interfered again, two of them holding Y/N on each of her arms. 

She trashed under their grip with a devilish look on her face. She could kill four of those soldiers in a whim but...

'If I kill these soldiers right now, there might be a chance that they'll threaten to kill those three. But then again, being held off by these weaklings is too humiliating for me.', Y/N thought.

"Let me go or I'm going to break all of y'alls arms." She glared, her eyes going from one side to another, looking at the four soldiers who's holding her off.

The four soldiers felt scared by her presence, but they didn't let her go. One of them had the courage to speak up and ask the higher up on the situation. 

"Commander, what do we do to her?"

Commander Pixis laughed in amusement and walked towards her, his hands resting on his back.

"You're a really feisty one." He said, and chuckled.

Y/N let out a smirk before replying to him. 

"Tell your men to let me go or I'm going to hurt them... dear sir." She mocked. The other on lookers got enraged, seeing her disrespect their senior.

Commander Pyxis waved his hand to dismiss the soldiers and they let Y/N go.

The girl brushed her arm off as she sneers and spoke again. "Damn soldiers getting their hands on me. I would've destroyed all of them if it wasn't for this shit situation."

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