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Third Person's Point of View

"What? Did he know? There are Titans inside the walls and he already knows about it?" Eren screamed, his eyes focused on Hange.

"Yes, however... he's kept his mouth shut this entire time." Hange looked to  her right.

Unlike Hange who gave Pastor Nick a subtle look, Levi stared at him with pure and obvious disgust the whole time Hange has been speaking.

His stares alone were able to make Pastor Nick sweat bullets but the priest decided to keep his mouth shut and stared at his feet.

Maybe talking will just make his situation worse.

"Huh?" Eren reacted.

"But now he's coming with us to witness the harsh reality. Will his beliefs remain strong enough for him to stay silent? Or will seeing it with his own eyes make him question himself?" Hange spoke.

Eren got angry from everything he's hearing and stood up, bringing his face dangerously close to Pastor Nick. "No! This is all backwards! If there's something you know, tell us! Nothing's more important than preventing humans from going extinct!"

Right after he said those words, Eren felt fatigue and clasped his cheek with his hand in instinct.

"Eren, settle down. You're still not fully healed." Mikasa murmured worriedly as she pulled him down by the hand.

It has only been a few hours since they battled Annie so no wonder everyone is in such bad shapes. Especially Eren, who transformed into a Titan to fight.

He's quite lucky to have regenerating and healing abilities that can aid him in situations like these unlike the others who has been badly injured and couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly, there was a loud click heard by the soldiers riding on the cart.

It was Captain Levi, who had pulled out a gun from his coat and pointed it to the priest next to him.

"There's more than one way to get answers. I may be injured and useless right now, but it doesn't take much to watch one man. I'm hoping we can settle this without blasting a whole through anyone. Aren't you?" Levi threatened in his usual low voice but Pastor Nick still kept his mouth shut. He looks like he wouldn't be saying anything at all that whole ride and after.

The man's a rock. He never even moved from his seat the moment they departed from the walls.

"Threatening him won't work, Levi. Believe me, I've tried. It seems to me that this priest is capable of sound judgement. That's why I wonder... What if the reason he won't talk is that he knows something more important than the fate of humanity?"


'Y/N! Your left!', Entity screamed inside Y/N's ears, making the girl snap her head towards that same direction.

"On it!" Y/N shouted in reply, maneuvering her horse to dodge the Titan coming her way from the left, as Entity said.

Y/N's horse, in whom she calls Jean, ran as quick as a flash to get away from the humanoid. After a few minutes, Y/N can confidently say that they successfully got out of harms way and continued on their journey without a worry.

"Damn it! At this point, Jean will be exhausted soon. And Titans keep on coming from all directions. Just where the hell is that breach in the walls?!" Y/N shouted in frustration, talking to Entity without any care, as no one will be able to hear her anyway with how barren of life the area is.

The sun had already set minutes ago and darkness is what everything Y/N sees. It doesn't help, of course, the only source of light she has is the torch she's holding.

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