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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N went home, to where the soldiers who went through the battle of Trost lives in.

She walked on the pavement, thoughts running inside her mind.

Her mind is calm, but she can't deny that it did made her a little bit shaken up from the questions Erwin had asked her a few minutes ago.

It seems like he knows something about her.

She's not threatened at all, but she did just realized that maybe she should avoid that kind of situation with Erwin. 

Maybe she does need to avoid the commander herself.

But she knows that she needs to find out what Erwin knows about her.

There's no way she could stay away from him.

She opened the doors of the place they're staying in at the mean time, and saw her Cadet days roommates, Ymir, Sasha, and Krista on the beds, lying comfortably on their backs.

"Hey." Y/N said and walked straight to them, taking off her boots as she go.

"Oh, you look stressed." Ymir pointed out and went on her side so she could take a look at her best friend, clicking her tongue out of curiousity.

Y/N rolled her eyes before plopping to the bed next to Ymir, pressing her cheek to Ymir's chest, cuddling to her.

"Get away from me, you idiot!" Ymir shouted, trying to push Y/N off. But the girl wouldn't budge, her arms are tightly wrapped on Ymir's waist.

"I'm tired, Mimir. Just let me rest for a bit, will 'ya?" Y/N said with a weak voice and droopy eyes, not bothering to make eye contact with her best friend at all.

Ymir looked down at her worriedly and then sent a glance to their other roommates, Krista and Sasha, before looking back down Y/N.

"Jesus, what happened to you?" Ymir asked.

Y/N sighed and shut her eyes, contented on Ymir's warm body. "A lot."

"You're not making sense, Y/N." Sasha said, crawling on the bed to huddle up with Ymir and Y/N, Krista following shortly after.

"I normally don't." Y/N answered again, sighing to Ymir's embrace.

"You shit head, just tell us!" Ymir tried to force the information out of her and pulled on Y/N's hair lightly, taking her messy bun off.

The petite girl sighed and opened her eyes, not making eye contact to of them in the room.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." She said and closed her eyes shut again, preparing herself for the loud voices or questions that might be asked by her shitty friends.

"WHAT?!" The three girls shouted in shock, but Y/N doesn't want to open her eyes.

"I can't tell you what for, but I am. That's why I'm being disgustingly close with all of you right now." She explained.

They were silent for a bit, until Krista spoke up. "Well... how long?"

"I don't know. Could be weeks, could be a month or two. I really don't know." Y/N replied to her.

Ymir sighed, and just let Y/N fall asleep while hugging her. She would never admit that she has a soft spot for a person other than Krista, but Y/N is her best friend while for Ymir, Krista is her wife.

"What do you think happened, Yumiru?" Krista asked, looking at Y/N's sleeping figure.

Ymir looked at Y/N also, who is now sleeping like a kitten, curled up and hugging her body tightly.

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