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Third Person's Point of View

Armin hugged Jean close as he backed up a tree, flailing his sword in front of a relatively small Titan as Reiner starts to run towards Eren while on another part of the terrain, soldiers are desperately trying to protect their commander, even at the cost of their lives.

"Commander!" A soldier called.

Erwin turned to see another one getting eaten as he pants on the ground, using his sword to balance himself as he tries to keep himself conscious.

He's bleeding very bad and need the utmost care but he couldn't get the care he very much needs because of the goddamn situation.

Hannes dealt a blow on the smiling Titan's heel, making it fall to its knees. The blonde smiled smugly but his happiness was short lived as the titan managed to take a hold of him as he was trying to fly away.

Eren and Mikasa watched with their jaws open how the smiling Titan starts to pull Hannes' body close to its mouth. Eren pulled himself out of his trance and starts to bite his hand again, faster and more aggressive this time.

As if it could make a difference.

'Right now... I must become a Titan... or it's all for nothing!'

Then, Hannes blood splattered everywhere

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Then, Hannes blood splattered everywhere.

On Eren's face.

On the flowers at the fields he and Mikasa are sitting on.

Before Hannes could slip into unconsciousness and move towards death, he gave Eren a smile, telling him that everything's gonna be alright.

Eren fell to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes as his body shook in horror.

Everything around him felt irrelevant because at that moment, he was mourning.

Mourning not only for the life of Hannes but for his comrades who died just so they can save him. But here he is, not being able to save even one of them back.

When realization hits him, suddenly, he laughed bitterly, switching between sobs and cackles.

"Eren..." Mikasa whispers in concern.

Eren finally understood what it means to feel like losing your mind. He thought he was going crazy before but this is different, way too different.

He'd seen Y/N act this way too many times to his liking, not once ever realizing what it truly must feel.

But now he knows.

His heart ached so bad he almost thought it would explode. Eren actually hoped for it to happen but it never did. The pain is just there, lingering, and he thinks it's not gonna go away anytime soon.

How can he ever get over Hannes death?

He was right there in front of him, he should've been able to help. But no.

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