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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N walked to the mess hall to meet up with her friends for lunch, still confused on the little gesture captain Levi did for her.

'I thought he would grill me with questions but he didn't. I really did act like a brat earlier.'

She sighed and went inside the mess hall. She turned a few heads in her direction because of her clothing. She's only in her sports bra and on top of her outfit is a survey corps jacket.

She walked to her usual table and flopped down, sighing. She rested her chin in the table, waiting for her friends to arrive. She really looks like she's out of her elements today.

She saw Jean and Marco approaching from the entrance and Y/N sat straight, fixing her posture and putting a smile on her face.

"Hey boys!" She waved at the two boys who looked at her in confusion. Jean sat next to her, as usual. And Marco sat beside Jean.

"Why are you back so soon? I thought you're spending time with your 'Captain Shorty'?" Jean asked and rolled his eyes. He puts on air quotes as his face contorted to a scowl.

Y/N hugged Jean's arm and pressed her cheek to his shoulder.

"Don't be so jealous... you know you're still my number one, right?" She said charmingly and kept on nuzzling to Jean. He sighed and said, "But you didn't answer my question. Did something happen?" He asked suspiciously.

"Yeah. Wait... why are you wearing a Survey Corps jacket?" Marco asked as he pointed to Y/N's back.

Y/N pulled away from Jean and held the hem of the jacket. "Shorty lent it to me."

"Why are you on your sports bra?" Jean asked, eyeing the girl who looked at him with a scowl.

"Why do you have so many questions, Trost boy? Last time I checked, you're not my boyfriend yet." She said and rolled her eyes, finally feeling like herself.

Before Jean could reply, Eren already spoke up from the other table.

"Maybe she's trying to seduce the captain so she would have a spot in the corps." Eren said and laughed. "Eren, stop picking a fight with Y/N." Armin said softly, tugging on Eren's arm to stop him.

"Oh ho ho. My boy Eren's trying to fight me now? It's about time you grew a set of balls to take me on." She said and smirked at him, getting inside the boy's nerves.

"Aren't I right though? Why would you even show up to lunch looking like that?" Eren asked again, trying to redeem his self.

Y/N gave him a long look before dissolving into fits of laughter.

"Do I sense some jealousy? Oh, yeah! You wanted to be in the scouts, right?" She pointed to him and laughed once more.

"Does me, wearing the wings of freedom ticks you off? Too bad, they're more interested in me than in you. I don't need to sleep with anyone to get what I want, you know." She added and smirked coldly. Eren stood up but was held by Mikasa by his wrist.

"She's not worth the trouble, Eren." The girl said and glared at Y/N.

"My, my. Mika-chan is always there to guide you, hmm? What would become of you without her? I'm pretty sure everyone here thinks you're just a weakling but doesn't say anything because they're scared of your girl." 

"Eren." Mikasa called Eren's attention.

"I'll take care of her, stay back." She softly said but was heard by the ravenette.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about, Jaeger. You should be the one protecting her, not the other way around." Y/N taunted again, waiting for Eren and Mikasa to bite her bait.

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