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Third Person's Point of View

After Mason and Y/N left the hospital, Y/N saw a carriage waiting for them outside. It was pretty over the top, she must admit, since the design of the carriage itself doesn't look like it's the average one she was used to using.

Mason definitely pulled out all the stops because the moment she got inside the carriage, there were a few snacks waiting for her there. A pitcher of juice, sandwiches and pastries and one bouquet of flowers.

'Damn', she thought to herself.

When Y/N sat herself down on the carriage, she took the bouquet of flowers and glared at him.

"What's this for?" Y/N asked Mason grumpily in which he replied with a sheepish smile, scratching his neck with his palm. "Don't people get patients flowers?" He asked innocently, in which Y/N definitely wasn't fooled at.

"Yeah, when they're bedridden. Do I look bedridden to you?" The girl replied annoyingly again, putting an eyebrow up then he bonked her slightly on the head. "Jeez, can't you just accept it?"

She gave him a death glare in turn. "Fine, whatever."

Y/N then happily munched on the food, not giving him any space to make for any conversation. Mason seemed to be pretty comfortable with the silence too as he was staring at her with a smile on his lips the whole time.

"Easy, Y/N. There's plenty more at home, you don't have to stuff your face all at once right now." He said, laughing a bit.

She snapped her head to his direction and spoke with her mouth full of food. "I don't care." She replied, but the sound was all distorted.

He shook his head with a smile and looked outside the window, letting Y/N devour everything she could set her eyes onto.

That was an hour ago.

After Y/N was done eating, she looked out her own window as well, basking in the daylight and the scenery before her as the bouquet of flower sat happily on her lap.

Still, Mason had no problem with their silence. It's nice that he's letting her have her own space even if they were together in that one carriage. She can feel his gaze towards her sometimes in her peripheral vision but she paid it no mind.

She was acting very rude but she actually does appreciate it. It's just been too long since they've last seen each other. She didn't know how to act or what to feel. The memory of him kissing her hasn't left her mind yet. When she thinks about Mason, sometimes she get transported to that one moment.

Why must he make things more complicated than what it already is?

And those flowers... red Roses.

It's not exactly flowers you get for someone who got discharged from the hospital, right? They usually mean something else.

And Y/N didn't want to answer it.

She was given that question before and she didn't like it how it went at all.

The carriage came to a halt and she looked beside her to see Mason smoothing out his shirt as he prepared to go outside.

'We're here....', she thought.

She realized that the buildings she can see right out her window felt most familiar.

Memories of her going outside for a stroll every once in a while with her parents starts to fill her mind and she tried her hardest not to get sucked into it all.

Her nerves suddenly filled with anxiety.

Mason got out of the carriage and held the door open for Y/N, waiting for her to walk out.

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