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Third Person's Point of View

With reports declaring the possibility that Wall Rose had been breached, the citizens of Wall Rose had to take refuge in an underground city within Wall Sina.

However, with more than half the population surviving off food stockpiled for an emergency, rations would last at most for a week.

Any longer than that, people would turn on each other, and steal and kill to survive.

To stop this from happening, within a week from the initial outset, authorities declared that Wall Rose was secure.

Mason Kelly Colson was the only businessman in Wall Sina who volunteered to help the refugees before the government even declared that Wall Rose was secure, donating rations and monetary funds that came from his own pockets.

He knows how it felt to be hungry and desperate, he wouldn't wish the experience he had to these people, not when he has the capacity to help.

Mason knows how greedy and corrupt the government too, so to make sure that his money and food are going out to the refugees and not to anything or anyone else, he wanted to make sure of it himself.

So there he was, strolling the streets of the underground city with Lily on his side, who's clutching the hem of his shirt tightly as they walked. He couldn't just leave her alone at home for too long, she's his responsibility.

The man smoothed out the blonde's head, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry, you're with me. No one's going to hurt you here. Are you scared that kids here are going to pick on you again?"

The kid looked up at Mason, her blue eyes staring at him. "That's not why I'm feeling scared. I can't even remember those kids who used to bully me." A small smile appeared on Lily's lips. "Mom already took care of them for me."

Mason chuckled when he realized what she was talking about. "Right. Then why are you clinging to me like a monkey?"

The blonde kid then looked straight ahead on the street they're on, scanning her eyes around the streets. "Do you think mom's enemies know who we are? That we're here?" Lily says worriedly.

Mason's eyes sharpened when he heard this, his own head shifting from left to right to inspect the area because the kid is right.

This is kind of risky.

But everything happened almost ten years ago, even Lily wasn't in the picture yet that time.

And besides, Y/N isn't by their side. He constantly assured her that everything is okay already, that she can be seen with them. But maybe that was the case for their inner wall life, not life in the underground.

Mason raised Lily's face up using his index finger and thumb then gave her a smile. "I'm sure they don't. We're out of the woods, remember?"

The kid then said something again that made Mason stop dead on his strides.

"I'm not scared for my life, dad. I'm scared for mom's... I'm scared for Y/N's."


When the Scouts reached the wall, of course, everyone turned to the hospitals to treat the injured. It was the standard procedure for just another Thursday for the Survey Corps.

Commander Erwin was brought to the hospital with urgency. In fact, he was the first one to ever arrive in the health center, the uninjured soldiers carried him on the wagon.

While they were on battle, Erwin managed to remedy the bleeding of his cut off arm by tying a rope of some sort on his flesh but it didn't really help in stopping the bleeding. It was only then that Erwin fainted when he arrived at the hospital because he can finally rest his body.

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