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Third Person's Point of View

"Seriously! Just reveal even just one, please?" Sasha pleaded to the girl with big, pleading eyes.

The girl looked at all of their demanding faces. 

She sighed.

One detail can't hurt, right?

"Fine. I'm an only child." She said and took a spoonful of the soup. Sasha beamed widely and cheered on their little victory.

"Finally! Now we know that Y/N is from Trost, and she's an only child. What else?" She asked again using her puppy dog eyes.

"You said only one, right? So I'm not going to say anything." The girl replied and smiled at them innocently. "Such a party pooper." Connie said and crossed his arms with a scowl.

"Hey! Call me anything you want but don't you dare call me a party pooper! For your information, I'm the life of every party there is and will be." Y/N said proudly.

"Didn't she just revealed one more information? Now we know Y/N's a party girl." Marco said and laughed, slapping Jean on the arm slightly who in turn laughed with his buddy.

 Y/N stood up, startling everyone in the table. "Don't tell me you got mad by that?" Jean asked the girl who's patting her bottoms for dust that may have stuck to her clothing.

"No, I'm going to take another shower. I think you have forgotten that I'm on my sports bra right now." Y/N said.

Jean looked at her for a moment before replying, "Oh. That guy from the Survey Corps gave me your dirty clothes. I'm not even going to ask how he had that." The boy rolled his eyes and stood up also.

"Jean's jealous!" Sasha shouted from their table. It dawned on everyone that Sasha's been sitting with them, and not in the other table.

"Hey, why are you all looking at me like that?" Sasha asked even though she's chewing a large portion of stale bread in her mouth.

"Aren't you supposed to sit with Eren?" Connie asked.

"There's no one in the table because Ms. I'll-beat-up-everyone's-ass decked Eren and so they took him to the infirmary. Am I not allowed to sit in with you guys?" Sasha said in a pout.

"Yeah. If you weren't here, maybe the table won't be as loud as it is right now." Ymir said and laughed, making fun of Sasha. Krista slapped her on the arm lightly which made Ymir stop and say, "What? I'm right, aren't I?"

"Yes, but you don't have to be mean about it." Krista said softly.

"See? Even my darling Krista agrees with me." 

"Take that back!" Sasha leaned to get a handful of Ymir's hair but she effortlessly dodged all of her attempts.

Jean and Y/N stood next to each other, ready to leave when Ymir spoke up again.

"Don't be so loud, okay?" She said suggestively and wiggled her eyebrows towards the two. Connie, Marco and Krista laughed while Jean's face turned to another shade of color. Something quite common that's been happening these days.

"Shut up, Ymir!" Jean shouted, still embarrassed. He's ready to beat Ymir up and already took the first step forward when Y/N held his wrist so he couldn't move.

"Don't worry, Mimir. I'll cover his mouth." Y/N joked and dragged Jean away before he could pick a fight with the girl.


"So really, why does he have your clothes?" Jean asked, escorting the girl towards his cabin so he could give her her clothes. "We just played around with the omnidirectional gear. Jeez, dad. I went home before midnight." Y/N replied, kicking a stone from her path.

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