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Third Person's Point of View

Hundreds of cadets are lined up in the quad, where a bald, brooding, man shouts profanities in each of them. Some of them got scared, some faked their bravery, and some took it as a joke as an instructor named Keith Shadis scare the shit out of them all.

"Straighten those spines, piss-ants! The 104th Cadet Corps Boot Camp starts now!"

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Commandant Keith Shadis and you will grow to hate me. Training is gonna be a white-knuckle ride through Hell. If I've done my job, you'll be waking up in a cold sweat from memories of this place every night for the rest of your miserable lives." 

"Right now, you're nothing. Livestock. But over the next three, soul-crushing years, you'll learn to take down your own Goliath. Remember this moment when you come face to face with him, 'cause here's where you ask yourself..."

"Am I a fighter, or am I feed? Am I gonna be ground up to pulpy human grist 'tween boulder-sized incisors or am I gonna be the one to bite? Oh, I'm a fighter, alright. And before I'm done with 'em, the Titans will grow to hate me."

Who the hell would take this kind of shit as a joke? Well, I'll tell you who.

Y/N L/N.

"WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!" The instructor asked. "Why, asking me for a date?" The woman said.

Is she serious? Yes, she's serious. If you're going to ask who Y/N L/N is, she's the definition of a bad bitch. Literally as a bitch and a bad person. She don't take other people's bullshits and stands up for what she believes in.

And right now, having someone shout in front of her with saliva probably staining her so-called Goddess face, she isn't very much pleased.

"IS THIS A JOKE TO YOU, CADET?!" Shadis asked again. "No. Maybe you're the joke." She sarcastically replied and smirked. The instructor took her by the collar and glared at her. You would expect her to falter, get scared, or cry... but no.

She smirked at him.

"Fine. Since you asked so nicely." Her lazy grin was gone in a split second. 

"I'm Y/N L/N from Trost District, at your service." And after, she plastered the smirk in her face once again.

The instructor gave her an approving look and carried on.

To be quite honest, he liked the tough guts the kid has. Having a tough attitude in the midst of a crisis is a good thing. He's just testing if she could keep up with her tough girl facade.

"WHY DID YOU SIGNED UP TO BE A SOLDIER, CADET?!" Keith Shadis asked once more. This time, the girl chuckled a bit before she replied. "Because life is boring. I like living in the edge." She replied coolly.

The instructor laughed. "You? A small kid like you?" He degraded.

The girl's smirk never failed. It's still existent.

"Believe it. I'll be a better soldier than you." She replied. Keith looked at her for a moment, accepting her answer and moved on. The other cadets were thinking just how crazy the girl was to stand up to the instructor. Since they couldn't talk to each other, they can't gossip around yet.

Y/N had a firm salute with a lazy expression paired with a smile. In all seriousness, who would take this girl seriously?

She's a petite, standing in 5'0 flat, paled skin girl with Raven black hair. Her features are much different from everyone else's, and that made her unique. 

The Cadets were very interesting. There's one guy named Eren Jaeger who said he will drive all the titans away. There are a bunch of kids that didn't even went through the hazing. There's a small guy who did his salute wrong and there's a a girl much smaller than Y/N, probably standing in 4'9. 

'Hah, I'm not the smallest one who has the guts to take this boot camp after all...', she told to herself.

But she's not the one that entertained Y/N the most.

A girl ate a steamed potato while Shadis was talking to Connie, the guy who put his hand on the other side of his chest, and even offered him a half of the potato. It was so hilarious Y/N almost laughed while they were going at it. 

'Seems like this training shit will be a lot more easier with kids like these.', she thought again.

"The potato girl is still running." Connie said as they were hanging on the porch of the cadets' cabin. Well... Everyone was standing up and leaning on the guard rail but Y/N's sitting on the porch's guard rail itself.

"Not bad... She's been at it for five hours. But her reaction when he told her to run until she drops was nothing compared to when he told her she's not getting any food." The other guy, Eren, replied.

"Dauper is a small hunter village in the mountains of South or Rose, right?" Connie added. The Eren guy nodded and offered him a hand. "I'm Eren Jaeger. You are?"

"Connie Springer. Nice to meet you."

And the both of them shook hands. Y/N was smirking the whole time as she watches the girl ran multiple laps on the field. Finally breaking her silence, she spoke up. "Nice to meet the both of you, Eren and Connie. My name's Y/N." 

Y/N gave them a smirking face as she waited for them to accept her handshake. They took it, Connie first then Eren.

"We remember you. You're the first one to ever piss instructor Shadis." Eren replied.

"Yeah! That was so cool but aren't you scared that he might bite your head off?" Connie added. Y/N gave them a cool smirk, a smile that's been growing on everyone there. On that porch stood Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Mina Carolina, Connie Springer, Marco Bodt and Y/N.

Y/N didn't need to ask their names. She's been memorizing everyone's names back when Shadis was asking the cadets. She was able to memorize the names of those who's in her hearing range.

"Nah. He can't do anything to me, I'll make sure of it." She said smugly, which pissed Eren off. She instantly recognizes his feelings through his expressions. "Oh? Mad at me already? The training hasn't begun yet. You have plenty of time to hate me." She said, giving him another lazy smirk.

"I'm not mad. I just think you're way over your head to think that you're much better than the instructor." He reasoned. The girl cocked her head to the side and taunted him with a pout.

"You jealous because you can't stand up to him like I do? That's so sad. You should try being me when you can so you wouldn't cry about it." She jumped off the guard rail, put her hands on her pockets and started to walk away as the cadets looked at her figure from behind.

Suddenly, she stopped walking and turned her head around, looking at Eren's gray orbs.

"When you express your opinions like that..."

"You're going to piss off more people than I will."

"Watch your back, Jaeger."

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