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Third Person's Point of View

Loud footsteps rang in the halls of HQ, and the wooden elevator went down and down. 

The elevator stopped at its desired height, and Marco spoke up to command the cadets. 

"Good. We're still at seven." He pertained to the seven Titans inside the HQ.

Everyone pointed their guns on the smaller Titans roaming inside the HQ. They're faces are scared, but determined. Nothing could go wrong... because it shouldn't.

Their lives are on the line. 

One mistake, and they're going to die. 

All of them are going to die.

"Okay now, nice and easy." He whispered.

One of the Titans walked towards their direction slowly, turning its head to them. It showed its horrible smiling face and many from the soldiers shook in fear, Armin being one of them, while another soldier whimpered loudly.

"Don't lose your cool! Fire only when they're all within range!" Marco commanded even as his body shook. 

The Titan took another step closer.

"Steady." Marco muttered.

All the Soldiers tasked into killing the Titans all got into position on the upper part of the building, where they could silently crouch down with their blades drawn and get ready to attack.

'That's right, wait for it.', Reiner thought to himself.

'Our lives are riding on this.', Jean thought too, his focus mainly on killing the Titans.

'Gotta make this attack count.' Connie muttered in his mind.

The other Titans made their way to the bait and all the soldiers are waiting for the perfect time to attack. Y/N hummed to herself as she smirked, looking at the small Titans from beneath them with her sultry eyes.

'I didn't know killing Titans would be this fun.'

"Steady..." Marco said.

The Titan went painfully closer and the whine of that one soldier got louder and faster, as if he's going to pass out soon. All the soldiers pressed their index finger on the trigger and the Titan went closer, the muzzle almost pressing to its eye.

"Fire!" On cue, all the soldiers shoot the Titans in their eyes and the soldiers on standby quickly ran to the Titans' backs. Mikasa dealt the first blow and Reiner came after. 

"Got it! How're you guys?" Mikasa asked, turning her head to Reiner's.

Connie and Sasha landed on the ground at the same time but Connie landed to the ground in an uncomfortable position, lying on the ground while Sasha landed on her feet safely.

The Titan turned around, looking at Sasha with its almost innocent but still deadly eyes. Sasha and Connie could only back away in fear as they're frozen in fear.

"Uh-- I, uh-- I'm sorry. I didn't." Sasha said, but the Titan took another set of steps towards her.

"Oh crap." Connie wailed in the background.

"I didn't mean to sneak up on you." Sasha said in a shaking voice.

"Sasha and Conny missed!" Berthold said, panicking and Jean looked at him with that same expression on his face. "Lead 'em the hell back!"

Y/N went to work, running towards her at full speed. She's coming in fast, and she's not even doubting herself if she could save Sasha. She knows she can.

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