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Third Person's Point of View

Commandant Shadis got a letter from the capital that the commanders of the Garrison, Military Police Brigade, and Survey Corps will stay at the camp to observe the new cadets.

To be quite honest, Shadis isn't that pleased to see the new commander of the Survey Corps, knowing that that once was his position. But he had to meet them, it's his job.

He didn't know what time exactly was their arrival. After a tiring day, he let the cadets rest for the day. It was sundown when a familiar voice called commandant Shadis' name.

"Commandant Keith Shadis."

He turned around to see Erwin Smith, the commander of Survey Corps. Beside him is the one and only Captain Levi. He did not looked too pleased to be here.

"Erwin. I did not know you'll be arriving at this time of day." He replied briefly. 

"I'm sorry for coming in too late. We had some matters to attend to. The other commanders are here as well." Keith Shadis nodded. "How is this year's batch? Is there anyone here who's interesting enough to observe?" Erwin asked.

Shadis knew exactly who to think of. His eyes drifted to the two girls in a single group, Mikasa Ackerman and Y/N L/N. Erwin looked where Keith was looking at and took note of the two women.

"Are those the people who you're thinking of, Commandant? One of them looks very strong but I'm not sure about the other one." Erwin doubted at the petite, raven-haired girl. Keith gave him a smirk and said, "You do not know what you're talking about. That girl you're calling a weakling is on the top of the food chain right now."

Erwin's eyebrow shot up in amusement. It's not everyday you hear THE Keith Shadis gave a subtle compliment to someone. 

"Erwin." Levi called out to Erwin, breaking the blonde man out of his trance.

"Hmm?" Erwin looked at him in confusion.  Levi don't like hearing about these kind of matters. You know, small talk and stuff. So he wasn't paying attention much. 

"I'm going to look around." Levi heard the faint sound of a river and he wanted to check it out. Erwin gave him a nod of approval and so the man left.

"That kid stood up to me in the first day." Keith Shadis said. Erwin's face lighted up with glee. His interest grew and grew by the second.

"Is there anything you can tell me about her?" He asked, interested. He looked where the woman used to stand but she's gone. All that's left by the fire are her comrades.

"She has great speed and agility despite her height. I could say I really commend her but we don't exactly get along well." Shadis commented with a grin on his face.

"How so?" The blonde man asked. "She's an insolent brat. She talks back a lot, thinks very low of serious situations. On the altitude test, she was still as a rock but you know she's alive because she picked a fight with Jaeger while she's up on the air." Shadis grin as he shook his head.

Erwin was silent, thinking about the girl, whether she's fit to be a part of the survey corps. He needs soldiers who will sacrifice their life just to get the job done. He thinks she could do it but the question is, will she take the job seriously?

Shadis then replied with "If you ask me, I'll say she's a psycho. A psycho lives in that girl's tiny, little body."

Levi, on the other hand, was walking in the woods. He's always busy, whether because of an expedition, or paper works. This is the only time he could get away and Erwin will make him hear their boring talk?

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