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Third Person's Point of View

'Let's see if my marksman skills are still intact!', Y/N told herself, eyes focused on the approaching figure.

A loud boom echoed on their ears when Y/N shot the bullet, and it soared on the sky to meet the figure's face.

It tore a chunk of the figure's cheek along with their ear, a shit ton of blood coming out of their face. Even then, Y/N can't see the face of that person.

It shocked Y/N when the person still managed to come closer to the group, even when half of their face is blown off because of her assault. "What the-!"

Snapping out of her trance, Y/N pulled Gunther closer to her but the figure was smart and changed direction, going after Gunther's neck and sliced him on the nape even with him on Y/N's arms.

Gunther's blood exploded all over Y/N's horrified face and she instinctively let go of him so they can get away from Gunther's murderer.

His body hanged on his grappling hook upside down, shocking the whole squad except Y/N.

For God's sake, the man was killed right in front of her.

She doesn't have the capacity to get more shocked anymore.

"M-Mr. Gunther! Hey! Why...?! Mr. Gunther!" Eren spoke, still couldn't believe what he have seen and broke away from the group to get to his dead superior.

"JAEGER! GET BACK HERE!" Y/N screamed, leading the group away.

Eren was frozen, he didn't know what to do.

All he knew is that his comrade died.

And he couldn't do anything to stop it.

The person who killed Gunther got away, their identity still concealed.

"Mr. Gunther!" Eren yelled, but gained no response.

Oluo went over to him and grabbed him away by the coat.

"Eren! Don't stop! Keep moving!" Oluo screamed and threw Eren forward to let him fly on his own using his omnidirectional gear.

Even then, he looked back, eyes still focused on his dead superior who he once treated as his friend.

"But Mr. Gunther is...!"

The mysterious figure suddenly appeared, going face to face with Eren.

"Who's that?!" Petra panicked.

They're not fighting a Titan like usual.

There's another human trying to kill them.

"Protect Eren!" Eld shouted.

"Damn! What now?! Which way do we go, Eld?!" Oluo asked, looking back at their leader in charge.

"There's no time to get our horses! Head to HQ at full speed!" Eld says again, going faster on his gear.

"For fuck's sake, all I wanted was for all this to get over with!" Y/N complained and went faster with her gear.

She's faster than Eld, even though he was at the front.

Y/N's at ease with using the omnidirectional gear, all of them are, but she's way faster than all of them in terms of skills and usage.

Quite peculiar for a rookie.

"Is it the Female operator?! Or is there more than one?!" Oluo says, both him and Petra turned to the back to look at the mysterious figure.

"Damn! You'll pay for this! You're going down, even if I have to die too!" Petra screamed to the mysterious figure, hoping that they're listening on her threats.

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