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Third Person's Point of View

"C-Captain Levi!" Jean shouted, clearly shocked to see the male again. Levi looks like he doesn't like Y/N and so, it sparked everybody's curiosity to see him again. After all, he did showed earlier just how much he doesn't get along with the girl.

"Back again, Shorty? You missed me?" Y/N confidently said, ignoring the death looks everybody's been sending her.

"I did not. But that's not why I'm here." Levi said with a stern glare.

"Oh? What is it?" She asked.

"Erwin instructed me to accompany you for the whole day. I'm asking if you have anything important you need to accomplish for the day." Levi said, defeated. He really doesn't want to do it but it's Erwin's orders.

The cadets looked pretty much shocked, if not, pity. The captain have to spend a whole day with their friend? That's going to be very hard.

Back when they were in their first week of training, they practically need to have a pep talk every morning just to survive Y/N's sarcastic attitude. One slip of the tongue and she'll taunt and mock you for the whole day.

As much as Levi wants to defy Erwin, he will probably make him do more things he doesn't want to do just for punishment. 

Who knows? Maybe Levi will find another side of the girl that's the least annoying.

"What if I don't want to come with you?" The girl joked, staring back at the raven-haired male.

"I'll notify Erwin that you refused." He turned the other direction to leave, satisfied that the girl shot him down. It's not like he wanted to spend time with her anyway. The girl jumped to hug him, her arms on his waist to stop him from leaving.

"Damn! I'm just kidding, captain! Why would I pass up a day with the strongest and hottest guy around? Don't be jealous, Jean. You're still number one in my heart." Y/N turned to look at Jean and winked at him.

Jean, in turn, looked red out of embarrassment and maybe a little bit of jealousy. Y/N always rest her head on Jean's shoulder and seeing her being comfortable with someone they're not even close to, kind of made him felt under appreciated.

"Let go of me, filthy brat. You're soiling my clothes." He said and pushed the girl away. She put her hands up and replied with a taunting smile.

"You're so hostile. You should be thankful that the Y/N L/N, is touching you. People would kill to be in your position, you know." She said with her eyes closed, smiling like an idiot as she points at herself with her thumb.

"Those people are stupid." He said and started to walk away.

"Hey! Don't you fucking leave me!"

"Keep up, brat. I won't hesitate to leave you."


"Captain~" She called. The man ignored him, didn't turned around and kept on walking.

"Shortyyyy~" She added. The man snapped his head and finally replied. 

"You're so noisy. What is it?"

"What are we going to do today? Surely, you didn't asked me to just walk around, right?" The girl sarcastically said and skipped as she walked.

"You look immature while doing that."

"So? I'm a brat, right? That's what I'm good at."

"I didn't know being a brat is an achievement." He said and kept on walking.

"And I didn't know being this petty makes you more hot. Come on, be more rude and I'll fall deeper for you." She joked and finally caught up with him, wrapping her left arm on his waist.

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