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Third Person's Point of View

"So I'm guessing it's my job to keep the kid on his leash. Don't blame me if I end up killing him, okay?" Y/N sighed, then chuckled to herself as she shook her head, putting her hands inside her pockets.

'Nice, I have another kid to look out of. I promised myself I won't be babysitting anyone, but here I am, acting like their bodyguard even though they never asked for my help. What are you doing, Y/N?', the eccentric girl asked herself in disappointment.

Human attachments and human emotions isn't something she ever wanted when she first signed up for the corps. All that was on her head was to survive, keep on surviving, even when she wanted to end it all.

She made a promise that she'll come back, no matter how much she doesn't want to.

She promised she will make her proud, and make up for everything she did wrong for all those years, as she felt too embarrassed of her own upbringing.

The commander smiled at her with eyes closed, while the Garrison members looked at her in pure confusion.

"Ackerman." Ian called out to Mikasa, who was just arguing with the titan shifter a few seconds prior and now has a frown on her face.

"Join the elite squad that'll protect Jaeger, along with L/N. We'll need your skills." Mikasa looked at Ian with glossy eyes. 

Y/N and Mikasa made eye contact, with the smaller girl putting her right hand up lazily, along with a small smile in her lips, an attempt for a nice and casual way of greeting her.

"Let's go. It's time to begin!" Eren and Mikasa went along with Ian's directions, meeting up with Y/N on the other side.

Armin, on the other hand, went separate ways with them and Y/N threw him a quick smile.

"Armin! I'm treating you drinks after this!" Y/N shouted jokingly, and the blonde smiled at her in response. "I'd love that, Y/N!"


The six, Ian Dietrich, Rico Brzenka, Mitabi Jarnach, Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Y/N L/N, ran towards the fastest route they could take that'll lead them to the boulder that Eren is going to use to plug the hole.

The other soldiers were ordered to be the decoy and act as the bait so the they can lure in the Titans, not risking Eren and the newly formed squad's lives.

"Just so you're aware, Jaeger... more than just a few soldiers will likely die during this operation. All for you." Rico harshly said as she ran with the others, getting Y/N's attention at lightning speed.

"Our colleagues, our seniors, and our juniors. They're prepared to die, of course. They're soldiers. But, they aren't faceless pawns." Rico continued, her attention fully focused on the path before all of them.

"They have names, families, and hopes and dreams of their own. Alyosha, Dominic, Fine, Isabel, Ludwig, Martina, Guido, Hans. They're all real people, flesh and blood. Some have been living under the same roof since their cadet days. And many of these people could end up dying for you today. It's your duty to make sure their death aren't in vain. Regardless of what happens. Keep that in your pampered mind and fulfill your duty with dead seriousness." Rico ended her sentiment and Eren was quick to respond.

"I will!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Hah. I don't think Eren is that much of a loser, aren't ya, E-ren-kun?" Y/N said in every syllable, with a wolfish grin on her lips. She then swung her arm on Eren's shoulders jokingly, which made Mikasa send her some death glares.

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