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Third Person's Point of View

"You've got to be kidding me... Why are you pretending to be the victim here? What's your deal? What the hell were you thinking when you talked to us on that day? Tell me, Bertholdt," Eren stared grimly at Bertholdt who's still covering his ears from Y/N's manic laughter that's still on-going even up to now.

"I'm talking to you, you damn lackey. I told you everything while you looked at me right in the eyes about the day my mother was eaten alive... isn't that right? Thanks to the piece of wall you kicked that went flying straight to my house, my mother couldn't escape or run away. You remember, right? I told you my story. What were you thinking? What were you thinking when I told you?" Eren's voice lowered to a growl as he talked, eyes flickering the amount of hatred he's feeling right now.

Eren can remember everything so clearly.

The way that blonde haired Titan opened its mouth with a grin as it devoured his mother and he... he couldn't do anything but stare as Mr. Hannes run away with him on his shoulder.

To think that he told these two guys, Reiner and Bertholdt everything... did they even feel any remorse? Guilt? Or maybe they were laughing deep inside on how oblivious and naive he was?

"Back then... I thought I felt sorry for you."

Y/N's laughter stopped abruptly, eyes glowering as they made their way to Bertholdt, who's the person most near her.

'Thought?', she repeated in her head. She felt her heart race by the anger she felt right at that moment.

'What does he meant by 'thought'? So what, he wasn't sorry at all?', she asked herself again, not intending to talk to Entity. It was just a rhetorical question.

'Y/N, I know what you're thinking. Don't do it or else you'll burn your plan to smithereens.', Entity warned, fully knowing what Y/N intends to do.

She was thinking of stabbing Bertholdt right there in the jugular.

She can do it if she wants to, she has enough strength to stand up quickly now and stab the dagger she's been playing with in her hand for a few hours now, jam it to that stupid neck of his.

The one thing that's keeping her from doing it though was her promise to herself and that plan she came up with earlier.

'Remember that you're done with that life, remember your regrets. I know it's what you were used to doing and it's hard to just get over it but you managed to control your outbursts, right? You managed to avoid killing anyone for the last three years, haven't you? Even with my protests that you should've done it.', Entity says again.

Y/N took deep breaths to try and calm herself down because Entity's right. She's came a long way from being the monster she came to hate and she's not about to go back to the way she was.

"Right... I see... You guys... You guys... are neither soldier nor warriors. You're just murderers. You're psychotic mass-murderers who've killed countless innocent people!" Eren screamed, his eyes unblinking.

Something panged inside of Y/N that made her stop in her tracks. The dagger in her hand fell to her side, her own eyes wide open now.

"Don't you think I know that? I don't need you to tell me!" Reiner screamed back.

Y/N's mouth went agape as her fingers slowly went to her hair and tangled themselves on her hair, tugging on her scalp.

She can feel herself getting agitated, anxious, and distress all at the same time.

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