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I used the soundtrack of The Elementalists: Winters Past owned by PixelBerry. Play media for better experience.

Third Person's Point of View

"Oh my God it's almost midnight!" Hange screamed as she ran around the headquarters, startling the cadets. The Survey Corps members are home for the holidays and the first batch of the Special Operations Squad already paid their visits to their families early on so they could celebrate with the other batch, Commander Erwin, Moblit, and Mike.

The second batch, Y/N's friends already went to their families as well before the New Years. They wanted to spend their first New Years with their comrades. The girl stayed in the head quarters, saying she's not in the mood to come home.

"Y/N! Come on, tell me what you got me!" Connie whined as he shook the gift box on the corner with his name on it.

"Not telling!" Y/N shouted and took the chicken out of the oven, another meat sent by someone from outside the headquarters. They must love the Special Operations Squad, huh?

"Wahh, Y/N! Can I take a bite already?!" Sasha followed Y/N, her nose following the smoky trail of the chicken. "Connie, take a hold of your girlfriend, for God's sake!" Y/N said, dodging Sasha's attempts on breaking a piece of the chicken.

"I will if you tell me what you got me!" He shouted.

"Ugh, Jean!" Y/N shouted, calling the boy. "You called?" He asked with a grin, one his hands holding a wine bottle for the dinner.

"Please drag Sasha away, will ya?" She said and sighed, running away from Sasha. Putting the chicken up won't work because she's smaller than the girl.

"Sure thing." Jean said and dragged Sasha away by her clothes with his free hand. She growled and jumped to Y/N but Jean managed to stop her.

"Come on, Berthold!" Reiner cheered, holding a pitcher glove and a baseball.

"Wait up, Reiner!" Berthold shouted and hurried after him.

"It's almost midnight and you two are going to play?" Y/N asked the two. Reiner gave her a cheesy grin and replied. "You're not our mom, are ya?" He said.

"Nice one, Reiner." Berthold said and laughed, resting his elbow on Reiner's shoulder.

Y/N gave them a cool smirk. "I'm not but I am the cook tonight, aren't I? I could just put more salt and pepper on your food. Maybe a tad of chili? A bottle of poison? You never know." She said and turned back to the table to finish her tasks.

"I knew you shouldn't have done that!" Berthold scolded Reiner and the two went outside to play, even after the whole ordeal with Y/N.

She successfully put the roasted chicken on the long table. Y/N wiped her sweat from her forehead and Hange appeared beside her. "You worked hard very hard for this, Y/N!" She cheered, marveling at the perfectly cooked chicken and the other food she have prepared.

There's mashed potatoes, beans, miso soup, white rice, garlic bread, apple pie, avocados for dessert, and some pudding.

"You could fangirl at me after you taste it." Y/N said and grinned. Hange and Y/N prepared the table, putting table mats and coasters on the table. Ymir and Krista went inside the dining room with four pitchers of cold juice.

"Good job, Mimir!" Y/N high fived her and smacked her butt. "Fuck you, L/N."

"Haha, love you too!"

Ymir put her hands on Krista's ear protectively but the blonde girl just laughed.

"I'm not mad, Yumiru."

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