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Third Person's Point of View

"Aw, man! You are such a kill joy, Colson." She squealed in disappointment, as if she's throwing a tantrum.

"Don't act like I'm just some stranger, Y/N. You know that I see right through you. Stop trying to distract me from the fact that you're going to drink because you're feeling emotional." Mason tells her, almost proud, as he tuck his flask into the inside of his coat again.

"What the hell are you talking about? It's not about that. I just want the booze because my shoulder's hurtin'. Booze is my kind of pain killer, did you forget?" She explained before resting her back on the headboard of her bed.

Unfortunately for her, the man does not believe her at all.

"What I didn't forget was the fact that you are not okay. You know I will never stop trying to make you quit your bad habits, Y/N. You're going to die soon with your stupid booze and cigarettes. Quit it." He let out an exasperated sigh before looking at her again.

He always have been trying but it never worked.

On the year she left for the Cadet Corps, she did stopped for a while. And that was the first time she managed to stop.

It's not like Y/N has a drinking or smoking problem.

More like figuring out what's going on deep inside her was.

"I think that's a win-win situation." She replied with a cheesy grin, which ticked Mason off in an instant.

A vein popped in his forehead and flicked her hard on hers.


"Don't ever joke about that again." He said through gritted teeth.

He wasn't one to be very assertive over Y/N, to be honest.

Growing up, she was the one who took control of everything. Always the one to make a move, no matter how bad it can be because she didn't care.

And on all of those time, Mason can only follow her lead.

"No promises." She hissed, rubbing the red part of her forehead.

"Well? How do you feel?" Mason asked, crossing his legs as he looked at her expectantly with his arms crossed.

"You hit me on the forehead with your dirty finger, what do 'ya think?! Of course it hurts!" She screamed, but gained no reaction from Mason.

He didn't smile, nor get caught off guard from the shrill sound of her voice.

His face expression stayed absolutely the same.

And Y/N knows he's being serious this time.

She can't mess with him when he's serious.

"Stop avoiding my advances, Y/N. You know what I'm trying to say here." Mason said coldly, boring his eyes at her. Y/N soon dropped her act and slumped on the headrest of her bed.

That flick on her forehead didn't even hurt because she has a really high pain tolerance.

Even with the injury on her shoulder, she can hardly feel how painful it is right now because of the combination of her high pain tolerance and the small dosage of pain killers the doctor have given her while she was unconscious.

Mason is right.

She's just trying to lie to him.

"So... I'm going to ask you again. And you're going to answer me for real this time. How did you feel? About meeting them?" Mason interrogated, knowing that he finally managed to corner Y/N into telling him.

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