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Third Person's Point of View

"For now, we've covered the Wall Titan with sheets. We'll take more proper measures after sunset." One of the men told Erwin as they walked on the hall, nearing the exit.

"I see." The commander replied, holding his head up high as he walked forward.

"What are we supposed to make of this, Sir? I never imagined there would be Titans in the walls." The other asked, desperate to get an answer from the commander.

Because if there is anyone who knows all the right things, it must be Erwin Smith.

He isn't one of humanity's greatest strategist for nothing.

Erwin gave him a side eye for a split second then kept looking on his front. "No one did. There were only people who knew and people who didn't."

Suddenly, the loud ringing of bell was heard on the area, not just by Erwin and his men, which prompted the three to turn around.

Y/N kept her silence as she glue her back to the wall, a few meters away from Erwin, listening in on their conversation.

She has been spying on them ever since Erwin went out the room, and dashed away when she realized she won't be getting any information from Erwin anymore.

She knew what those bells meant.

Those bells were supposed to ring whenever a scout comes back from an expedition.

How would there be an expedition when the Annie mission was just executed that same day?

She saw three Survey Corps soldiers running on the halls and she called for them.

"Hey! What's happening? I heard the bell." Y/N asked calmly but the Scouts she ran into weren't.

Their bodies were shaking and their eyes are wide.

"We just received word that there are Titans inside Wall Rose!" One of the Scouts frantically replied to her.

"Hey, man! Stop dilly-dallying, we gotta tell Commander Erwin!" The other urged and ran.

The Scout she talked to tried to follow after but she held him by the wrist, making him turn to look at her. "Lady, you shouldn't delay us."

"Oh, your friend already left. Do you need two people to deliver the news? I just need to ask you one last question. Where's the 104th graduates? I haven't seen them around." Y/N asked again.

The other guy left with the boy she's holding by the wrist intercepted.

"Hey, that's Y/N L/N from Squad Levi and she's infamous for being aggressive! Just answer her so we can get on our way! I don't want to break a bone!" He whispered, but Y/N can hear him clearly.

"They're in the South of Wall Rose. Now, can you let go of me?" The soldier took her hand off of her harshly and ran away with his fried without another word, leaving Y/N alone in the halls.

'Wow, he's a dick.' Entity whispered in Y/N's ear, making her roll her eyes.

"Like you aren't?" Y/N replied under her breath and went on her way, running towards the direction of the navigation room.

'Fuck off. But hey, we're famous now!'

"Yeah, yeah. Let's celebrate later. We've got more serious things to take care of at the moment. With what that guy said, that means that Ymir and the others are in the headquarters in the South. And if there are Titans inside Wall Rose..." Y/N muttered to herself.

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