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Third Person's Point of View

"Why the hell are you guys taking so long to open the door? You people made me improvise out of nowhere." Y/N complained as she stretch her back with a nonchalant expression on her face, her eyes closed.

"Y/N! What're you doing here?!" Ymir shoutedly asked, walking over to her best friend.

"I'm your back up, duh." Y/N passed her and crouched down to get one of the cups from the ground and took a sip from it, not caring whose it is. "Don't mind me drinking, I'm thirsty."

"Who are you?" Nanaba asked, placing her blades back to her omnidirectional gear.

"Y/N L/N from Squad Levi. You could say that uh... I was sent by Commander Erwin." Y/N replied with a cheesy smile before continuing to drink in the cup.

"Back up? Is the situation that bad?" Reiner asked, triggering everyone to stare at Y/N with all their eyebrows furrowed.

The girl ignored them and focused on the drink, downing it by throwing her head back. "Ah... that's good."

"L/N. Is the situation that bad?" Berthold pressed.

Almost as if she just saw these people around her, she snorted. "Hmm? Nah. At least, I don't think it is. Y'all seem to be doing great without us." She joked.

"What?" Nanaba asked, asking for a clarification.

The girl's piercing eyes landed on the tall blonde female and offered a hand, noticing her presence for the first time. "I didn't know someone as beautiful as you works for the Corps. Y/N L/N from Squad Levi. I'm single, by the way."

Nanaba laughingly scoffed, accepting the hand shake. "I heard you the first time. But can you elaborate?"

Y/N stared at Nanaba a few seconds with a dumb expression on her face before laughing, scratching her head. "Yeah, I went to the headquarters near Ragako to check up on the 104th rookies. Erwin and the others are on the move to find the hole, don't worry. I saw the place you guys were in and damn, was it swarming with Titans."

Nanaba and Henning shared a worried look.

"I knew there's another headquarters near this district so I thought you will relocate there at first but I didn't think your horses can last much longer. This castle's the nearest place you can take shelter from Ragako. Nice thinking, by the way. Who's the brainy one who moved all of you? If I had to guess, I think its Nanaba-chan."

"You're way too young to be flirting with her, kid. And use the right honorifics, learn some respect." Henning said seriously, prompting Y/N to cackle.

"Sorry, am I?" The girl mocked.

Nanaba laughed and wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulder. "Ease up, Henning. She's just joking."

"Yeah, I'm just joking, Henning!" Y/N mocked again, throwing in her infamous smirk.

Nanaba patted her on the shoulder twice before pulling away and sat on the ground once more, continuing her drink by pouring on the cup Y/N has sipped in.

Y/N's light presence made the Scouts comforted a little bit. They all can sense the cool demeanor she has, something that they really need in times of seriousness.

Ymir pulled Y/N down to sit beside her with a menacing smile, placing herself between Y/N and Krista. "That was some stunt you pulled there, L/N. You're always so extra."

"Would I be Y/N L/N if I wasn't?" Y/N winked, making Ymir laugh.

"Hey, Y/N. Aren't you supposed to be resting? You were injured this morning, right?" Connie asked loudly, capturing the attention of the veterans.

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