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Third Person's Point of View

"As practiced, you will now split into your squads and perform resupply, message relay, and Titan-clearing duties under the command of the Garrison Regiment! The Garrison's Regiment's intercept squad will take the vanguard!"

All the fresh graduates are lined up in the squad. Some of them shook in fear, some because of anxiety, and some has no emotion in their face. Y/N L/N is one of those people.

To be quite honest, you could say that her face is more relaxed than brooding unlike the others. The speaker in front explained the places each squad will be assigned in.

"Additionally, I've received word that the advance team has been wiped out!" The cadets looked petrified, scared of what's to come. They might go in the same fate as the advance team. Everyone is shocked, silently praying for any God out there who could save them.

"The outer gate has been breached, and the Titans have been allowed inside! In other words, the Armored Titan could very well appear again and demolish the inner gate at any time!" With more information, the graduates faces contorted to a much panic-stricken expression as time passes.

The Garrison members behind the speaker has dark and grim expressions on their faces, probably because they lost their friends when the advance team were wiped out.

"You can't be serious..." Daz said, followed by Thomas.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

"If they end up breaching Rose too...!" Nack commented with wide eyes, getting Y/N's attention.

"What? Can you do something about it?" Y/N questioned, turning to look at Nack with a bored look. Nack looked at her with angry eyes.

"Are you saying that because you're worried about the people of Wall Rose or just because you don't want more collateral damage to clean up? Open your mouth when you're clear on your ideals." She said harshly.

"QUIET!" The instructor shouted, making the cadets compose their fearful selves. Y/N only smirked when the instructor glared at her specifically. Word might've reached everyone of the girl's infamous attitude.

"The Vanguard is currently engaged with the enemy! This defense operation has but one objective, to defend Wall Rose until the citizens have finished evacuating! Also, as I'm sure you're well aware, desertion is punishable by death!"

"Be prepared to lay down your lives! Dismissed!"

"Sir!" All the fresh graduates responded with a scream of honor.

Everyone rushed to their places, running around the place just to do what was asked of them. On the side, there are seven cadets standing around. Few of those cadets are Krista Lenz, Berthold Hoover, Marco Bodt, Jean Kirschtein, and Y/N L/N.

"Why today? I would've been on my way to the interior tomorrow..." Jean said as he knelt on the ground, his emotions getting the best out of him. Berthold could only look at him in pity, and Krista beside them is comforting Daz, who's vomiting out of fear.

"No, no, no, no..." Some cadets sat on the ground, their foreheads touching their knees as they wept. Jean looked at them in worry, while Y/N only displayed a look of boredom as she stood behind Jean, her arms crossed.

Jean stood up, his head hanging low, and Y/N followed him. As they both walk, Jean bumped to Eren Jaeger. "Move!" Jean said, passing through the other boy.

"Hey, Jean! What's wrong?!" Eren said, holding Jean by the arm to keep him from walking.

"What's wrong?! That's easy for you to say, you suicidal maniac!" Jean replied in anger, holding Eren by his clothes. "You want to join the Scouts! You're ready to be Titan chow anytime!" Mikasa Ackerman from few feet away heard them and walked towards the two boys in alarm.

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