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Third Person's Point of View

Just because the cadets are trainees, doesn't mean they don't get a day off.

Today is that day.

Once a week, the commandant says when they'll be taking the day off. If the cadets didn't improved even the slightest bit, there won't be a free day for the week.

Having a rest day is beneficial not only for the cadets but also for the commanders.

They would be able to see the promising cadets' personality outside the workforce. Are they serious? Have bad habits? Anything that can affect their performance in the regiment.

"Y/N! Stop messing around!" Sasha shouted as she covers her chest with her arms.

"Make me!" Y/N shouted as she dance around inside their room with Sasha's top in her hands.

"I would say to give Sasha her clothes back but I won't." Ymir said with a snicker.

"That's not very nice..." Krista said to Ymir. "Who cares? You still love me, don't you?"


"Guys! I have a problem here! Why don't you two stop flirting for a second and get my shirt from Y/N's hand? You know I can't reach because I have to cover myself!" Sasha whined, practically begging the two girls for mercy.

"Hmph! Fine, I'll give it to you. Under one condition." Y/N said, walking to Sasha's direction slowly.

"Yes! I'll do anything!" The girl pleaded. 

"Okay then~"


"What do you guys want to do?" Krista asked, as the group of girls walked outside their cabin to get to the mess hall for breakfast.

"Fuck around. Annoy the higher ups. Ooh! Make fun of that captain from Survey Corps!" Y/N smiled, thinking about what kind of reactions Levi will make once she pulls some shit again.

"Seriously... I don't get why you like pissing people off." Ymir commented with an eye roll then get back to resting her cheek on Krista's blonde head.

"Yeah. On the first day, you were so scary with your smirks but as weeks went on, you're just a lunatic." Sasha said, blushing furiously, remembering what Y/N did earlier.

Just earlier when they were getting dressed, the moment Sasha took off her towel on her body, she already got her pants and undies on, Y/N dashed quickly to get her clean shirt off Sasha's bed.

"Sometimes I don't really know if you're joking or you're just really mean..." Krista said, looking at the ground as they all walked.

"Believe what you want. I don't like explaining much about myself." Y/N said and started whistling. 

"Right. No wonder why we don't know much about you. All we know is you're Y/N, your last name is L/N, and you're from Trost. We don't know anything else." Ymir asked curiously and eyed the girl with wonder.

"Oh my God, you're so right! We don't even know if you have siblings, what's your favorite things and stuff like that. Tell us something about yourself, Y/N!" Sasha cheered, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Nah, not gonna happen." Y/N replied and continued on her whistling.

"Besides, it's not like we know that much about Mimir. Who the hell knows her last name? Not even her little girl friend knows." Y/N added.

"Fuck off. You talk like you're not short either." Ymir smirked and kissed Krista on top of her head as reassurance.

"That's so nice for you to do, Mimir. Reassuring Krista. You're just gas lighting her from the fact that she's dating a complete stranger. Who knows, maybe you're a murderer or something." Y/N said and then laughed.

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