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Third Person's Point of View

'How did that turn out in the end? No... why am I recalling it now? Is this what they call having your life flash before your eyes? Who gives a damn anymore?' Eren thought as his memory of three years ago flashback in his head.

The boy then flipped to his stomach and started to stand up from his position, trying to regain his balance.

'I don't think I've felt this awful in my whole life.'

"Eren! Don't do it! You can't defeat him! Run this way! Eren! Don't try to fight him!" Armin screamed from the distance, set on the wall next to Hange.

He's feeling very worried of Eren, not just because he's his friend but he is the only one who can save them all. If Eren cannot do it, no one else can.

Y/N and Mikasa landed on the far side of the two Titan's fight safely.

"Tch. My blade's cut." Mikasa hissed angrily, expecting an answer from the girl next to her. Maybe a sarcastic comment or any other bullshit thing Y/N can manage to come up with but Mikasa received nothing but pants.

"Y/N?" Mikasa approached the girl, who's now supporting her standing position by placing both hands on her knees. Y/N started to cough violently and Mikasa definitely saw some blood come out of Y/N's mouth.

"Can you still fight? You should head back." Mikasa says in concern.

Even on the past three years of Y/N quarreling with Eren, Mikasa knows that deep inside, Y/N cared for Eren as much as she and Armin did. Because if she didn't, why else would she exert all this effort just to help Eren?

In a way, knowing this made Mikasa felt okay hanging around Y/N, enough to make her concerned and worried of the girl's sake.

A vein popped in Y/N's forehead as she wiped the blood on her lip with the back of her hand, looking up to meet Mikasa's pitiful gaze at her. "Can you shut up? If I'm gonna die, might as well be here."

Y/N have always had no remorse for her own sake but this is pushing it far too back in Mikasa's opinion. It almost gives the impression that Y/N went through something much more than what she found out in that court room.

Before Mikasa can even reply back, Eren's loud roar got her attention, prompting her to shout out to him. Mikasa thought that Eren might not be in his right mind right now. "Eren!"

"Come on, Rank One. Your boyfriend needs you." Y/N says, mustering her strength to go on.

Eren's Titan threw a punch to the Armored Titan as it roared, earning a few negative reaction from the Corps.

"This is bad!" Armin shouts.

"Did he lose control?" Hange asked the blonde, hoping that one of them has an insight that can help Eren win this fight.

Simultaneously, the two Titans threw a punch to each other. But as Reiner's fist almost collided with Eren's face, the smaller Titan ducked out of the way and caught Reiner in a choke hold.

Eren used the exact same move he learned from Annie years ago to Reiner, managing to bring him down the ground using his own momentum despite his smaller stature.

"He pinned the Armored Titan to the ground!" Moblit commented, his jaw slacked.

"Wait... Isn't that... Isn't that the technique Annie used?" Armin asked himself.

He was there, when it happened three years ago. Along with their friends. Everyone probably in the 104th Cadet Corps batch knew about that iconic fight that lead to Annie and Mikasa squaring up.

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