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Third Person's Point of View

A knock on the door rang faintly on the room Y/N is in, a glass of rum sitting happily in her hand.

She has been drinking alcohol for the last few hours, hoping that it'll keep the nightmares away that has been flooding her mind ever since they arrived in their respectful quarters to have some rest until the next move for the Survey Corps to be announced by their commander.

Memories of the whole Levi Squad dying in front of her repeats almost every minute of the day in her vision.

Eld's half eaten body that was spitted out like some kind of disgusting food...

Gunther's sliced neck and his blood spurting on her face...

Petra's broken back and dead body rolling on the terrain as Y/N fled...

Oluo's last words that kept on repeating over and over, as her memory of his bloodied dead body laid next to her after she just woke up from her unconscious state.

It all haunted her thoughts, thinking that she should've been dead with them too.

Surely being killed right there is much better than this endless pain and guilt sessions that she's partaking in for the last month.

She has experienced grief before, but seeing her people die right in front of her hits different.

"Survive, Rookie." Y/N muttered to herself and the glass in her hand started to shake because of her state.

She's just trying so hard to let herself relax, no matter how bad the consequence will be.

Having a bad hangover is better than being tormented in your sleep in a loop.

Not only was her grief troublesome, things  for the Survey Corps are looking quite bad.

The Captain having an injury when he's one of the most needed person in the troop at this time is a real trouble.

Y/N can't rest her mind on Levi's injury but she knows she can't do anything about it either.

It's not like she has some kind of healing powers that can get rid of his pain.

But then again, she's still mad at him.

He should've let her release her frustrations on that guy, the guy who's the reason why her squad mates' bodies didn't make it back to their respectful families.

Y/N heard what happened on the Corps' homecoming walk, hundreds of people yelled profanities on how much they despised the regiment.

They even questioned if Erwin did accomplish something on his exhibition.

A mountain of corps, there's that.

She thinks Erwin will most likely get a scolding from the shit king this upcoming meeting, who is also the one person Y/N despises the most.

And Eren... Y/N knew something bad is going to happen to Eren if that plan fails tomorrow.

And thinking of him being dissected? Not gonna lie but she hated it.

If all this doesn't sums up as a bad omen for tomorrow, she doesn't know what will.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Yeah?" The smaller woman asked, turning her head to look at the person on the door.

Hange Zoe's head popped up in between the door and the wall and gave Y/N a reassuring, almost sorry, smile.

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