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Third Person's Point of View

All of a sudden, Y/N's body shook uncontrollably... She's having a seizure!

Her body collapsed onto the floor as Bertholdt kneeled next to her, placing her head on his lap to keep herself from banging her head on a rock. "What's happening to her?!"

"G-Goddamn it, Ty...!" Y/N gasped hard as she clasped her throat with her hands, her airways being cut off.

No one knew a damn clue about what was happening but it's not like they can do anything about it.

Everyone felt worse.

There's already a chance that they'll all die and then this is going to add to all the chaos of today?

"Put her on her sides! That can help her breathe!" Krista commanded but after a few more seconds of shaking, Y/N's eyes rolled back to the back of her head until the only color Bertholdt can see in her eyes is white.

Y/N's seizure completely stopped, her body unusually still.

"She fainted!" Bertholdt freaked out.

Connie is frantic as he sat next to Bertholdt, bringing his ears to Y/N's chest. He listened, trying to find out if the girl is still alive or not.

'Her heart is still beating at least.', Connie thought to himself.

While Connie checks up on her, Y/N's eyes suddenly opened as fast as a flash.

She sat up, moving stiffly. Like a robot being able to move on one direction.

Her eyes blink twice, eyes adjusting to her surroundings.

"Y/N! Thank God you're okay!" Connie cheered, laughing a little bit when he saw his friend out of harm's way. He hugged her tightly but then the girl pushed him away with a hand forcefully, hurting Connie's feelings a little bit.

As he pulled back away from her and stared at her, his eyes wandered to her two orbs. He realized that there's a change of color in her irises. "Y-Your eyes... they're different..."

 Yes indeed, the colors of her eyes have changed.

Unlike before on some occasions when there were only specks of purple coming out on the surface of her eyes, now... the purple color occupies the whole iris itself.

They're not the same lifeless black they see whenever she pranks them or talks with them back in the academy. In truth, they actually felt intimidated.

It's like a feeling you get when you think someone is following you around but you couldn't see them.

The chill you feel running on your spine as that happened... they can feel it now.

Staring at her makes Connie feel like a prey getting hunted by a predator.

"Don't call me Y/N, that's not my name." The girl responded with an attitude, adding a little eye roll as she ignored Connie's sentiment.

Connie's, along with the others, jaws dropped when they heard the girl talk in a different manner.

She still have the same voice but with a different pitch and intonation.

She sounds like a different person.

An angsty teen, almost.

Y/N has always been one to act like an immature adult but this is taking it to a whole new level.

She's not even acting like an immature adult anymore, she's just... childish.

The purple-eyed girl placed a palm on the brick surface, gathering dust on her fingertips then rubbing her fingertips together. "Huh. So this is how it feels like to touch something."

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