[191] - Together

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soulmate au first words u hear from your soulmate are tattooed on your wrist but the soulmate thing isnt the focus of this i guess

Warnings: no, absolutely not, but maybe brief hint to touch starved logan


Today Logan had woken up in his apartment, no, their apartment, with Virgil right there next to him.

He'd been able to lie in bed and hold his still sleeping soulmate in his arms, marvel over the fact that he could feel the warmth of Virgil's body against his, his hands could run through his hair, he could press his lips to his boyfriend's skin, he could let his fingertips run over the words on Virgil's wrist that told them they belonged together.

Logan had stayed in bed for two hours longer than he usually did, unable to force himself away from Virgil's side. He liked to think he had total control over himself, but he just hadn't been able to will himself to get up from bed and make breakfast, despite how he had begun to get hungry sometime after nine thirty. He found himself too overwhelmed by the fact that the man he loved was finally within his reach.

Only yesterday he had driven to the airport to, for the first time in the three years they'd known each other, meet Virgil face to face. It had been nerve wrecking and a bit awkward but that was quickly forgotten once they actually started talking and realized that this was really real, finally, the two of them could start their lives together.

They'd known each other for three years. Known they were soulmates for two. They'd met online and quickly became friends, bonding over their shared interests, both seeming drawn to each other in a way Logan had not experienced before.

And of course Logan had fallen for him. Really, he should not have been so shocked when he, a year into their friendship, finally coaxed Virgil into a video call with him and the first words he'd heard from Virgil were the exact words imprinted onto his wrist.

'Hey, L, what's up? Excited to hear my voice?' he had said and Logan remembered staring at Virgil through the screen for a bit too long before having remembered how to speak. After that: two long years of falling harder for each other, trying to navigate a relationship where they lived on opposite ends of the country, and trying to figure out how to make life work if they moved in together.

(Who would move where? New apartment? Which state? Jobs?)

And here they were. Virgil finally in his apartment, most of his things in a truck that was driving across the country. Once they both had the money and time to manage another move they were going to look for a bigger apartment, or a house, someplace that could really be theirs.

Eventually Logan had forced himself out of bed, careful not to wake his boyfriend. Virgil seemed to have always been one to sleep late, and now he was also getting used to the four hour difference in their time zones; according to Virgil's internal clock it was around six in the morning, not ten, and Logan was going to let him sleep.

Despite being alone in the kitchen as he ate his toast with crofters he felt as if his apartment was much more full of life than usual. Or maybe that was just him feeling happier than normal. Virgil was finally with him, after all their planning and saving

He cleaned up after his breakfast, showered and brushed his teeth, and tiptoed back into the bedroom to change out of his pajamas.

"Morning, L." He heard from behind himself and he turned around in the middle of tying his tie, smiling at the sight of Virgil sleepily observing him from where he was wrapped in the covers.

"I thought you were asleep... Apologies if I woke you." He said, but Virgil just shook his head, sitting up as Logan fixed his tie.

"Woke up by myself. You know how I am sleeping in new places, always wake up early and can't go back to sleep." He said, yawning and pushing the covers off slightly, revealing the band t-shirt and the borrowed shorts he was sleeping in.

"I've got plenty of coffee, or tea, whichever you want." Logan said, knowing exactly what Virgil desired.

Virgil smiled, brightly, and all Logan wanted was to pull him into his arms. Then he realized that he could. He could just do that, there was not a screen between them anymore and there was no reason to yearn when Virgil was right there. His brain hadn't quite grasped it yet, still set on the long distance relationship that had been their normal for the past two years.

Logan sat down on the bed and wrapped his arms around Virgil who seemed surprised for just a moment before returning the hug, warm body pressed to his and arms tightly holding onto Logan.

Since yesterday Logan had understood why people made such a fuss about physical touch.

"Would it be alright if I kissed you?" Logan wondered. Being able to ask such questions was also a new wonderful thing about Virgil being there with him.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Virgil said, grimacing slightly.

"I've had to go through two years of not being able to kiss you, I have a lot of kisses to make up for and morning breath will not scare me away."

"Sap." Virgil said, pulling Logan in for a quick kiss by tugging on his tie.

"Only for you." It was true. No one, least of all Logan himself, would have thought to ever describe him as sappy or emotional.

Not until Virgil had somehow wormed into his life and comfortably settled as a constant presence. It hadn't been intentional by either of them to become so important to each other, but they fount the other one in control of their heart weeks or even months before realizing they were soulmates.

It had been tricky at first for them bith to get comfortable with the fact that their soulmate was across the country, but Logan had fallen harder for Virgil than he ever had for anyone else, it was easy to feel comfortable with him. Likely why the universe, or whatever it was which decided these kinds of things, had deemed the two of them to be suitable soulmates.

They were... compatible. Logan had always doubted the entire soulmate thing, there was no explanation for how it worked and why it existed, but being soulmates with Virgil? It just felt right.

He helped Virgil up from the bed and they went out to the kitchen, making Virgil's favorite tea that he had made sure to buy, together with loads of other things that he knew Virgil wanted or liked. This was their home now, not his own lonely and quiet apartment, and Logan was so excited for a future which they would really spend together.


Written: 6th, 20th & 21st January 2021
Published: 4th June 2021
Words: 1219

Eh idk about this one but i hope u liked it

Hey ummm👀 check out my fluff fic event books for some more fics.

An 8k logince oneshot coming tonight

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