[125] - Ask Out

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Human au

Warnings: no


Virgil opened his back door to find a slightly out of breath Logan standing there, he sent him a grateful smile and gestured for him to come inside.

Virgil was sure his parents would not be too happy to find Virgil sneaking a friend into the house at this time, and neither would they be overjoyed to find that Virgil was still awake, but luckily for him it was unbearably hot this summer and his parents had decided on sleeping in the guestroom in the basement.

The chance that they would be heard were low, and Virgil really needed to talk to Logan. Now. Before he could decide against it.

"What was so urgent that you needed me to come over at one in the morning?" Logan whispered as he followed Virgil up the stairs to his room, them both skipping over the steps they'd learnt made sounds.

Virgil sat down on his own bed while Logan did as he always did and dragged Virgil's desk chair across the room, sitting down facing Virgil.

"Okay, so... You know how there is this person that I like a lot?" Virgil said, nervously clasping his hands together and letting them rest in his lap. Logan snorted.

"Yes, you won't stop talking about him. About how pretty his eyes are and how cute he is when he rambles." Logan said, the slightest tone of annoyance detectable. Virgil thought that was fair, Logan was really his only close friend and, well, he'd needed to gush about his crush to someone.

Even if that someone was actually the same that person he was crushing on. Virgil had not thought that fact was necessary for Logan to know. Not until now, perhaps.

"Yeah... well, I've decided that I'm finally going to stop being a coward, and I'm going to ask him out." Virgil said. Logan only stared at him for a moment before blinking, looking unsure if he'd heard right or not.

"Okay." Logan said, seemingly struggling to find anything else to say. Virgil wished Logan would've looked a little bit more disappointed, even if he didn't want Logan to feel that way he still would've felt calmer with his plan if Logan would've shown any jealousy at the thought of Virgil asking out someone else.

"Do you really need my help with that?" He continued, almost sounding like he was pleading. Virgil couldn't blame him, after all he wouldn't have wanted to help Logan ask some guy out. Then again Logan might not feel about Virgil the way Virgil feels about him, Logan might just, as always, be a bit uncomfortable with emotional things.

"Sorry, I really do." Virgil mumbled. He unclasped his hands, instead pulling at his hoodie strings, needing something to do with his hands to get rid of excess worry. It did not help much.

"Well then, how can I help?" Logan seemed slightly hesitant, but it made Virgil extremely grateful that Logan was still taking time helping him out, even when he'd rather not or was unsure how to help.

"Okay so... you know I'm heads over heels for this guy," Virgil cringed slightly at his own choice of words, he didn't want to seem too smitten, even if he was, "I just really, really don't want to mess this up."

"Of course not." Logan said, letting out a small sigh but giving Virgil a nod that told him to go ahead. Virgil smiled at him, even managing to get Logan to send him a tiny one back.

"So, I was just wondering, uh, if you were being asked out, how would you want to be asked? I figured that I'll have a better chance for success if I don't make a fool of myself." Virgil let out a laugh that sounded far too nervous, but Logan didn't seem to find that nor the question very weird.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now