[26] - That'd Be Stupid - (Part Two)

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Prompt by @hihihihihihi222666 thanks for the idea. People wanted a part two and I hadn't intended to make one so I didn't know how to continue it hahah

No I do not have requests open btw. If I ever do I will tell you :)


It had only been a few days since he realized he had romantic feelings for the logical trait, but it was already driving Virgil crazy. It had gone from being something puzzling in the back of his mind to the only thing he could think about.

And the fact that Logan seemed to stop what he was doing just to smile at him now and then was not making things any easier. Luckily Roman wasn't teasing him too much about his feelings. He was actually being strangely nice about the whole thing, though it was annoying that he kept suggesting that Virgil should tell Logan how he felt.

Of course he couldn't do that, it would end in a disaster! So many things could go wrong. Yeah, he would rather just suffer than actually walk up to Logan and say how he felt.

See now that seems like a good plan. Until Logan walks past him, flashing him a bright smile and looking at him in such a way that he has to lean against a wall to not just stumble and fall face first into the floor. Luckily Logan didn't seem to notice that Virgil stopped abruptly, steadied himself against the wall and clutched his heart while staring after him.

No, he just walked off as if he didn't just cause Virgil to have heart palpitations. Why did he have to have such an effect on him? Virgil had definitely been spending too much time thinking about and imagining what it would feel like to give in and just kiss Logan. That was of course not going to happen as long as he had anxiety though, and as the embodiment of someone's anxiety it was a hard thing to get rid off.

Later that day while he was sitting on the couch and playing music in his headphones Virgil was startled to notice that the person he had just been thinking about for ...too long, probably like 20 minutes or something (god he was pathetic), stood in front of him. He did his best to look casual and not like he wanted to pull Logan down by his tie and kiss him. To avoid blushing at that thought he distracted himself by taking his headphones off and putting them on the couch.

"Hey." He said calmly. He wondered why Logan was there. There wasn't usually many reasons to why Logan would look at Virgil with such a serious expression. Virgil hadn't forgotten to do something important, had he?

"It has come to my attention that I am experiencing certain feelings and I have been further advised to confess them." Logan said, quite bluntly. Virgil just blinked in surprise, suddenly feeling very nervous.

If he had feelings, then why would he be talking to Virgil about them? Patton and Roman were the ones that were good with emotions. Virgil doubted that he could be of much help. And had he said he had been advised to confess his feelings? What did that mean? What was he confessing?

"I suppose there is no reason to postpone it. I don't want you jumping to conclusions since I know that might heighten your anxiety." Logan continued with a softer tone of voice. He sure was right about him jumping to conclusions, Virgil was already busy imagining every thing that Logan could say to him that would hurt to hear.

"I... I love you. And if you reciprocate my feelings I would very much like it if we were to become romantically involved partners." He said and Virgil stared at him for a good ten seconds before his brain dared to believe that he didn't just hallucinate Logan saying that. That was certainly not the words he had expected to come out of Logan's mouth.

To his utter dismay he could feel tears gathering in his eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. He sniffled and tried to blink away the tears, which only caused them to fall from his eyes. Great, now Logan would think he was weird and over-emotional.

"Oh dear, did I say something to upset you? I am sorry." Logan said, sounding much more insecure and looking like he didn't really know what to do. Virgil just shook his head and wiped away the tears from his cheeks the best he could with his hoodie sleeve.

"No- No, I love you too." He stammered. "And I would love to be your romantic partner." The corners of his mouth tugged up into a smile (albeit a teary one) at the phrase.

"I am happy to hear that. But I must say I am confused to why you are crying. Is this not a good thing?" Logan said as he reached out a hand and helped Virgil up from the couch

"Sorry, I just never thought this would happen and I got emotional." He mumbled and was yet again met with one of those so, so bright smiles that makes his heart melt. And to his surprise Logan pulled him in for a hug, carefully wrapping his arms around him.

Usually the logical trait wasn't one for physical contact. But then again Logan wasn't one for smiling or feeling romantic feelings either and yet he seemed to be doing all of those at this moment. Roman had been right yesterday when he had said that Logan might surprise him in response to Virgil whining over the feelings he had and didn't think Logan had.

He was sure not going to tell Roman that he had been right every time when he told Virgil that he thought that Logan felt the same way. He had been acting smug enough already the last time Virgil complained over all the times that Logan had been smiling at him.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Virgil says and gently de-tangles himself from the embrace to look at Logan, but still standing close enough that Logan kept his hands resting on his waist. He had felt that he had to say something and it was the best thing he could come up with.

"Would Big Hero 6 be adequate?" Logan suggests and Virgil nods, it was actually a while since he saw it and he knew it was Logan's favorite Disney movie. While Logan started the movie Virgil sat down on the couch again, his heart still beating abnormally fast and his head still trying to fully comprehend everything that had just happened.

'Holy shit' He thought to himself softly, not taking his eyes off Logan for even a second. Not even when Logan sat down next to him. "You appear to be staring at me, may I ask why?"Logan asked, his eyes flickering from the tv screen to look Virgil in the eye.

"You really love me?" It was a stupid question, that he knows. Logan had just said that he did. But the question had escaped him before he had the time to think it through.

"Of course. I do not speak in falsehoods."

Logan reached out and took Virgil's hand in his, squeezing it gently and smiling at him again. This provoked a new herd of butterflies to erupt in his stomach. Virgil leaned against Logan with a shy smile, looking at their entwined fingers. He then conjured up a tub of ice cream for them to share while watching the movie.

Sitting there next to Logan, holding hands and eating chocolate ice cream he had to say that maybe having feelings for Logan wasn't such a stupid thing anyways.


Written: 17th, 18th & 19th April 2018
Published: 20th April 2018
Words: 1346

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