[27] - Annoying Friends

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Don't I love to hint at sexual relations lmao


As Virgil's eyes fluttered open in the morning the first thing he noticed was that the bed was empty except for him. He sat up, letting the covers fall off of him as he stretched a bit. His gaze then fell on Logan who was stood in front of the mirror. He was shirtless and was currently running his fingers over his skin, trailing his fingertips over hickeys that Virgil left on his neck, throat and jaw last night.

He had a look of skepticism on his face but when Virgil said good morning to him his eyes met Virgil's in the mirror and his frown changed into a smile. "Good morning dear."

"What were you pouting over?" Virgil asked. At first a little voice in his head whispered that maybe Logan regretted last night but Logan's smile when looking at him told him otherwise. Logan's smile could always convince him when he doubted Logan's feelings for him. He never tried to hide that he was smiling at Virgil, and Logan usually covered is smiles up.

Virgil pushed the covers off of himself, shivering slightly as the cool air of the room replaced the heat from underneath his duvet. His feet were dissatisfied with having to walk over the cold floor, they'd prefer to stay in bed. At least he found his socks, boxers and pants close to the bed. His shirt was all the way by the door and he guessed that his hoodie was on the couch in the living room of the mindscape. At least that's where he thinks that it was taken off of him.

He could see Logan check him out in the mirror while he was busy putting on a clean pair of boxers, even if he tried to look like he wasn't. Virgil just smirked and reached for his pants.

"I do not have any regrets about last night, it's just that, ...well, my shirt isn't going to cover these." He once again let his fingers slide over the marks on his skin. "No one will take me seriously when looking like I just had intercourse with my boyfriend." He complained. Virgil was never going to get tired of hearing him refer to him as his boyfriend.

"Well, it's true-" He began, earning a glare from him.

"Virgil." Logan said sternly. Virgil picked his purple shirt up and pulled it over his head.

"I'm sorry." He grinned and made his way over to Logan, pressing a quick but gentle kiss to his lips. "But don't worry, they'll still listen to you. They are going to tease us, that we both know because they always do, but they'll still listen."

"Where is my shirt?" Logan asked, looking around in the room.

"I'm not sure. I think I managed to get it off you before we got to my room though." Virgil said, thinking back to the night before. They had been alone in the mindscape, both Patton and Roman had had to help Thomas with something. Logan and he had begun watching some documentary. Virgil couldn't remember what it had been about, it hadn't taken them very long to become distracted by each other.

It had started out as just kissing. Then it had escalated into making out and Virgil thinks that it was around then that they had started to undress each other. And after that they had gone back to Virgil's room (they had been scared that Roman and Patton might come back and they didn't want them to walk in on them) and there things had escalated further.

"We'll check the couch, that's where you threw my hoodie after pulling it of me." They sank out of the room, appearing in the living room of the mindscape. Luckily no one else was there and Logan easily located his shirt and found his tie on the floor. Virgil found his hoodie thrown over the coffee table. They should try not to make a mess the next time, if anything because it would be easier to get dressed again in the morning.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now