[84] - Tiny

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parental analogical hell yeah

human au

warnings: none, some happy tears, they have many joy

uhhh enjoy?


They had been waiting to adopt for years, and, finally, they had been chosen. Logan could still not fully believe it, that yesterday morning they had finally been able to bring home their little addition to their family. A two month old baby girl were now theirs. He was still not sure it was real, even if he was currently standing in his and Virgil's (and for now, the baby's) bedroom at two in the morning, with his and Virgil's daughter in his arms.

Both he and Virgil had been awake already to watch a movie that was playing on the tv when the baby had started screaming, and logan had offered to take care of her. She'd been hungry, and Logan had fed her some baby formula from a little bottle. They had bought many, many things that their child might need when they'd found out they had been approved for the adoption of a baby that was only a few weeks old.

He rocked the baby slowly, not being able to take his eyes off her. She had a purple pacifier in her mouth and stared up at him with big curious eyes. Logan smiled down at her, and the pacifier fell out of her mouth and down on the floor when she opened her mouth to let out a squeal. She reached her arms up, trying to grab his glasses, and he had to lean his head away.

His glasses were not the best of toys, and neither did he want to have baby saliva (or even worse, baby spit up) on his glasses. He crouched, trying to grab the pacifier, and after a moment of fumbling where he almost dropped it again, while still trying to keep his glasses on his face, he managed to get it up, and tried to offer it to the baby.

Naturally she spat it right out, because apparently she didn't want it anymore. At least the baby grabbed it and found it more interesting than his glasses. He smiled widely as she waved her arm at him, making a happy sound.

Logan couldn't stop thinking about how lucky they were, how incredibly loved this child would be. It was hard to fathom how this tiny, tiny human already held his heart in her small hand, and Logan blinked away a few tears, because he was definitely not crying, no, he was not the kind of person that cried because of his intense feelings. Definitely not.

He kissed the baby's forehead, a lump in his throat and he gave up and let his tears fall freely. The baby blinked tiredly at him, finally seeming to be growing sleepy. He then heard the floorboards creak, turning around and seeing his husband in the doorway, smiling at the two of them. Before Logan had even noticed that Virgil held up his phone he'd already taken a picture.

"I know she's adorable, but are you joining me in bed? The movie ended and I want to sleep." He said, and Logan hummed, still letting his tears roll down his face. He couldn't wipe them since both his hands were occupied and his glasses were in the way of letting him rub his face against his shoulder. He was also stupidly scared of dropping their daughter. Logan looked up at his husband and saw Virgil's expression shift to one of slight worry as he saw the tears on Logan's face.

"Logan, you okay?" Virgil asked quietly, making his way through the room and up to him. Logan only nodded, working hard on swallowing down his tears as Virgil wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed a soft kiss to Logan's cheek.

"Yes. I- I just can't fully fathom that... that she's actually our daughter." He said, his voice hushed too. Neither of them wanted to be responsible for waking the baby from her sleep, especially as she had just fallen back asleep. A small wonderful smile showed on Virgil's lips, and he leaned his head against Logan's.

"Yeah, we might just be the parents of the most wonderful little girl in the world." He mumbled, and Logan noticed a tremble in his voice, but he didn't comment on that, just as Virgil didn't make fun of his tears, because they were both just as emotional. Logan can admit that the child (their child, Logan reminds himself) makes him more emotional than anything else has so far in his life, and he was very teary both when Virgil proposed to him and when he married Virgil.

Virgil stands with his arm around Logan's shoulders, and he nudges his head against Logan's to make him turn to him, and when they are face to face Virgil kisses him before he has the time to ask what he want, and it's the gentle kind of kiss that after so many years still makes him feel butterflies in his stomach.

They parted and Virgil yawned, which reminded Logan of how late it actually was. Virgil reached his hand out towards the infant, and when his index finger touched the tiny hand the baby grasped it. Virgil let out a sort of squeak and grinned.

"No matter how many times she does that I think I might never get used to it." He mumbled, and then he bent down to kiss their daughters hand. They stood there and observed her as she finally seemed to fully fall back asleep again. Logan loved standing there with her, but it was 2 am after all, and he knew neither of them would get many peaceful nights from now on (so they definitely should stop watching movies late at night).

He slowly, and as gently as possible, placed their daughter in her cot, feeling relieved as she stayed asleep. Logan straightened himself out, then yawned before he turned to his husband. Virgil reached a hand out and carefully took Logan's glasses off, which was his way of saying 'you're going to bed, now'. He walked over to their bed, putting Logan's glasses on the nightstand. Logan immediately followed him, and he pulled Virgil closer, wrapping his arms around his and pressing his face to his shoulder.

"Are you hugging me only to wipe your tears on my pajamas?" Virgil asked with a snort, then Logan felt him press a kiss to the top of his head. Logan didn't feel the need to respond to Virgil, because he knew very well that wasn't why, but just to annoy him he rubbed his face against Virgil's shirt, making him let out a hushed laugh and push him away.

Logan grinned, taking a step back and sitting down on their bed, lying down when Virgil joined him. Virgil rolled over to his side, resting his head on Logan's chest. It was actually quite rare that Virgil would use an actual pillow, not that Logan minded. He fumbled for the duvet, just being able to reach it without having to move, and he pulled it over himself and Virgil.

It didn't take them long to succumb to the tiredness that clung to them, and Logan fell asleep with the thought that he'd do everything in his power to be the best dad possible, and to make sure their daughter knew how loved she was.


Written: 28th October & 4th & 8th December 2018
Published: January 4th 2019
Words: 1318

no i don't know anything about adoption, yes I was too lazy to come up with a name for the baby

Technically I shouldn't publish until tomorrow, but lets screw my schedule just this once to uhhh make up for the 3 times it took me longer than 5 days to publish?

Also it's my birthday today so I'll do whatever I want lol

So yeah I'm 17 now


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