[146] - Go Out

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Warnings: no

*yeets fic at u* pls enjoy


The sound of keys jingling in the door alerted Virgil that his roommate was now home, which was not important enough for him to look up from his book, yet. He heard the door open and close, the familiar sound of Logan hanging his jacket on a hanger by the door and then taking his shoes off.

After that his quiet step towards their living room. Virgil could feel Logan's eyes on him for a moment before the other spoke up.

"Virgil." Logan said, dumping his backpack on the couch. Virgil then looked up at him, letting his eyes quickly take him in. He was looking as handsome as always, with his neatly combed hair, black button up shirt, blue tie, dark brown eyes behind the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah?" Virgil lowered his book to symbolize that he was actually listening to whatever Logan wanted to have said, and he kept eye contact with Logan.

"Go out with me." He said as he grabbed the newspaper lying on their coffee table. Virgil found himself wondering if that was a question or not, and then he wondered why that was the part he was focused on.

"Huh?" He said, surely sounding very intelligent. He and Logan had been roommates for over a year though, Logan must already be aware that Virgil is a dumbass.

"Go out with me. Dinner." Logan said and glanced up from the front page of the newspaper that he was reading.

"Like... now?"

"Well, it's a bit early for dinner now, I was thinking this evening." Logan said, making Virgil have to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. Of course that's what he meant.

"Oh, yeah, okay," Virgil said, "just notify me half an hour before we leave."

"I will make sure to do that." Logan said, sitting down on the couch next to Virgil, opening up the newspaper. Virgil was still staring at him, but Logan seemed to take no notice of that.

They sat together in silence, Virgil struggling to understand what was happening. Logan seemed untroubled, reading the newspaper attentively. Seemingly not noticing how Virgil's thoughts were racing.

"Wait, so, like..." Virgil began, getting Logan's attention. Logan's eyes fixing on him made Virgil somehow feel both calmer and increasingly nervous.

"Yes?" Logan said, urging Virgil to continue.

"Right, well, you never clarified what kind of 'going out' this is. Like... is it just dinner or is it, uh, a- a date?" Virgil asked, thinking about how embarrassing it would be if he had read this entire situation wrong.

"A date. As in two people going out and spending time together in the hopes of figuring out if it is possible to fall in love with the other or to confirm the nature of feelings that already exist between the two ...as long as you'd be fine with an outing like that." Logan looked up at Virgil, even smiling a little.

"Yes. I mean, I said yes when not knowing what you meant, I'm okay with any kind of 'going out' with you." Virgil said, wishing that Logan would perhaps stop staring at him because he was feeling quite flustered.

"Great, I'm looking forward to it." Logan said and then went right back to reading the newspaper. Virgil grabbed his book again and attempted to find his place on the page, struggling to do so because his mind was quite occupied.

Focusing wasn't working and Virgil put his bookmark between the pages before setting the book back down again. He pulled his phone out, opening up his messaging app, typing a quick message while trying to appear calm and collected on the outside.

ontheVergeofdeath: logan just????? asked me out???????

Puppiesownsmyheart: HE WHAT

ontheVergeofdeath: it was just out of nowherekjsbfjmdfb??

Puppiesownsmyheart: DID YOU SAY YES?!!??!?!

ontheVergeofdeath: ...yeah of course i did you know i like him

Puppiesownsmyheart: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgogmgo

ontheVergeofdeath: lmao yeah pretty much

Puppiesownsmyheart: where is he taking you?

Puppiesownsmyheart: What will you wear?

Puppiesownsmyheart: how did he ask?

ontheVergeofdeath: he literally just got home from work, put his backpack down and said 'go out with me' idk his reasons??

Puppiesownsmyheart: well I mean that sure sounds like logan

ontheVergeofdeath: hang on brb

Virgil glanced at Logan, slightly reluctant to bother him again but it was necessary.

"Hey, is it okay to ask where we are going? Just so I know how to dress appropriately." Virgil asked, the thought just having hit him. The last thing he wanted was to be underdressed, or overdressed.

"I was thinking about it on my way home and I figured something less fancy and more simple would be the best fit for the both of us, judging by both our discomfort in such situations. Nowhere too loud or crowded either since I wouldn't want to trigger your anxiety." Logan started, newspaper resting on his thighs as he used his hands to smooth it out.

Virgil was oddly touched by Logan's consideration.

"Therefore I figured that we could stop by someplace and eat, or bring food with us from some place to eat under a more fitting moment. Perhaps we could go see a movie, or maybe even go stargaze. I was of course going to consult you first, which I am doing now, it seems the best course of action. I see no reason in leaving the location of the outing a secret, and I want it to be enjoyable for the both of us. If you have any suggestions then I'm happy to hwar ou out." He said.

"Is there something wrong? You're staring at me." Logan said and Virgil quickly shook his head, the back of his hand covering his mouth to hide a smile.

"No, no. You're just... really sweet and considerate." Virgil said, knowing Logan wasn't going to agree but that didn't stop it from being true.

"I'm glad you perceive me in such a way." Logan said and for a second time Virgil near rolled his eyes at him.

"Stargazing would be great, by the way." Virgil said, thinking of all the times they'd gone stargazing together during the past year of being roommates. It was something Logan did when stressed and he'd started bringing Virgil along whenever noticing that he was overly anxious.

It was something that had brought the two closer, and it was during one of those nights only a few weeks ago that Virgil realized that might actually be developing a crush on his friend.

Which was something that he had tried not to think too much about since the last thing he wanted was to make things awkward between them. They were roommates, it was hard to avoid each other.

But, if Logan possibly felt similarly and wanted to take him on a date then Virgil wasn't going to miss out on that opportunity. Even if it wouldn't work out between them, he had to take the chance, didn't he?

Virgil glanced up at Logan again, stealing a quick look at his roommate, before turning back towards his phone. Logan had a satisfied smile on his lips, probably not from reading the news (which were usually bad).

Virgil found himself feeling surprisingly excited, and he got up from the couch. He might as well already start to think about how he was going to do his makeup.


Written: 10th, 11th September 2019
Published: 3rd November 2019
Words: 1266

I didnt know yow to end this at all lmao

Autumn break is ending and i dont wanna go back to school pls help

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