[65] - Dangers Of Tumblr

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Lol this one's awkward

Warnings: swearing probably. mentions smut (but not in that way, sorry)

This is a 10/10 fic👌



"Virgil, what is this 'smut' that people are talking about?"

The question brought Virgil out of his state of concentration (that was directed at his phone). It took a moment, but when he comprehended what Logan had asked he looked up from his phone for the first time in two hours.

"What?" Virgil said, staring at him. Virgil had never expected him to ask that question. Then his gaze shifted from Logan to his laptop's screen and he saw what site Logan was on.

"Oh, you're on tumblr, that explains a lot. Uh, be careful what you read on there." Virgil said warningly, he had learned a lot of things on tumblr that he wished he did not know.

"What is analogical? They do not seem to be talking about the action of analogical thinking." Logan mumbled, squinting at the screen. Logan turned around in his chair to look at him, and Virgil cursed under his breath.

"I have no idea." Virgil lied, not looking at Logan. In fact, he did know what the word meant, but it wasn't something he felt very comfortable speaking about. Then a realization dawned upon him.

"Wait... first you asked about smut, and then about analogical... what the fuck are you doing on tumblr?" He asked, feeling slightly concerned.

"I was looking through the Sanders Sides tag and found, what I think is called, a 'fanfiction'. The name of it is 'Analogical Smut', that is why I wondered what the meaning of those words were." Logan explained. Virgil jumped up from the couch and got to Logan's side in three steps, slamming Logan's laptop shut.

"Do not read that. Trust me, I've done that mistake already." Virgil said awkwardly, not mentioning that he knew very well what analogical was, and that it kind of ...intrigued him. He might have read several fanfictions, they worked well to distract himself with when he was bored. Not that Logan needed to know that.

"Splendid, so then you can tell me the meaning of the words, correct?" Logan said to Virgil, who was looking at him as if he had grown three heads.

"I'd rather not." Virgil, who was beginning to feel incredibly awkward, said and scratched his neck.

"Very well then, I will find out myself." Logan shrugged and turned back to his laptop, but Virgil slammed his hand back down on the already closed laptop.

"Alright, uh, maybe it is better if I explain it. God damn it. Uh, so. You know what people mean by 'ship', right?"

"Yes, I am aware of the action of 'shipping' people that fans participate in." Logan answered, and Virgil was glad that he at least didn't have to explain that to him.

"Exactly. And 'analogical', well, you know that the ships have ship names?" Logan nodded and Virgil let out a short breath of relief before sighing deeply.

"Yeah, that is the ship name for... us. You and me." Virgil finished, repressing the strong urge to hide his face in his hands. There was a pause before Logan spoke again, and Virgil anxiously awaited Logan's response to what he had just told him.

"People ship us?" Logan asked, tilting his head and squinting at Virgil with a very confused expression.


"That is not ideal." Logan said, and Virgil got a sort of sinking feeling in his stomach. Logan then mumbled something that Virgil couldn't hear properly.

"Alright, so that other word?"

"Smut, yeah that..." Virgil coughed awkwardly. Logan looked at him, showing clear signs of interest. At this moment Virgil wished Logan wasn't so eager to learn about everything. The best thing to do was to just get it out though, or Logan might bug him about it, or even worse, he might read that fic he found.

"Uh, it's when the characters in the fanfiction are doing dirty things with each other."

"Dirty? You mean as in-"


"So someone wrote a fanfiction of the two of us-"


"Ah, I see... thank you from explaining this to me." Logan said, obviously trying his best to look like he wasn't phased, but the blush on Logan's face made him unable to fool Virgil.

"Well, I'll be going to my room where I can pretend this conversation never happened." Virgil said, doing finger-guns towards Logan and hoping to be able to escape the whole situation that he found himself in. Sadly Logan seemed to have other plans.

"Virgil?" Logan called, making him stop on his way out of the room and sigh before turning back around, dreading what Logan might want to tell him.

"Yes?" He mumbled, desperately wishing he didn't feel as flustered as he did.

"Why do you think they ship us?" He asked, and Virgil squinted, trying to come up with a good reply to that question. It was surprisingly hard, because he wasn't sure why the fans shipped them. Maybe he was just bad at hiding that he liked Logan?

"I don't know. Why do people ship anyone? They think we have good chemistry or something I guess." Virgil said with a shrug.

"Do you want to find out if they might be right about what they're suggesting?" Logan then said, and Virgil's heart might have actually skipped a beat. He ignored the voice in his head that immediately told him to say yes.

"Is- is that some sort of joke?" Virgil stammered, not believing what Logan was implying.

"Depends what your answer is." Logan said, and he actually seemed to be nervous too.

"...Yes?" He said, though it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Good, then my suggestion is completely serious." He said, standing up and advancing on Virgil, who was wondering exactly where this was going, even if he was sure that he wouldn't mind whatever would happen next.


Written: 3rd & 4th July & 31st August & 1st September 2018
Published: 3rd September 2018
Words: 1032

Is it bad?
Do I care?

Idk whatever the heck this was but whatever

Have a good day, better oneshots are coming

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now