[185] - Future

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Warnings: literally none they are so soft


Virgil sat closely next to Logan on a blanket he had managed to dig out of one of all the boxes now stacked and strewn everywhere in their new home. The evening air was cool, but not cold, and the sky above them was dark, but full of shining stars that had made them both so excited to move here.

Virgil and his husband were spending their first night in their new house, in a new town, so very different from their little apartment in the huge city where they used to live. This town was pretty small, in their opinion, the sky wasn't full of enough pollution to hide all the stars, there wasn't constant noise from people and cars. And they had so much more room in their new house.

They'd barely gotten anywhere with unpacking all their stuff, they had made their bed ready so that they could go to sleep, they'd moved at least half the boxes with their stuff into the rooms where they would eventually be unpacked, Logan had set up their wifi and Virgil had began to unpack all their kitchen stuff, deciding in which cupboards and drawers everything should go.

They hadn't gotten much further than that before they'd ordered some take out, much later than they should have, and then Logan had dragged him outside to get some fresh air, and as the dark fell they had sat down together and gazed up at the stars. His husband had an arm around him, keeping him near, and Virgil leaned his head on Logan's shoulder. He didn't want to admit it, but he was beginning to get a bit tired, had tired himself out by worrying an excessive amount when the moving truck with all their belongings had been late.

Logan's hand found his, a kiss was pressed to Virgil's forehead. He could sit here forever, he didn't want this moment to end, no matter how tired he might become. But he smiled to himself at the sudden realization that this wasn't a one time thing unless they wanted it to be.

This was their house, they were sitting in their garden, they could sit outside and stargaze every evening if they so wanted. He sat up slightly straighter, letting go of Logan's hand to cup his jaw and coax him in for a soft, slightly sleepy kiss. Logan smiled at him, leaning into Virgil's touch.

"You look tired, starlight." He said and Virgil shook his head.

"I don't want to go inside just yet. It's just... really nice to sit here with you." He said and Logan hummed, still smiling as he let his eyes wander over their surroundings.

"Indeed. I am so relieved we're finally here."

"Me too, but it will be even nicer when we've finished unpacking all our stuff. I can't believe we have so many things." He whined, probably not seeming so upset anyway.

"I'm... excited." Logan said, a happy sigh escaping him as he looked back up at the stars glittering from so far away.

"Hm?" Virgil could of course himself guess many reasons why he was excited, but he had always adored listening to Logan ramble.

"There are just so many more possibilities for us now. We can finally get a pet now when our living space isn't cramped and it has the possibility to go outside with a much smaller chance of being hit by a car. I know how long you've been wanting a kitty, and I am open to that idea." He said and Virgil snaked his arms around Logan's middle.

"We have a garden, we can grow herbs and greens, or plant strawberries and such, and all our favorite flowers." Logan added, them both knowing that it was mostly Logan who would be keeping himself occupied with that, although Virgil was sure he would join in when he had the time and energy.

"You and your green thumb, if I touch the plants they will die within a day." Virgil joked, referring to all the indoor plants he had managed to kill, ranging from delicate flowers to succulents.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now