[200] - Five Times Virgil Wanted To Tell Logan He Loved Him And One Time He Did

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 Warnings: uhhhh anxiety, bit of sleep deprivation

5+1 fic!



They're stargazing (or stargayzing, as Virgil liked to refer to it as, seeing as they were both so very gay), an activity that Logan has, clearly, been doing for longer than any of the other sides could probably guess.

It was the first time Virgil was sitting there with him under the infinite sky full of brightly shining stars, obviously, as he had only found out about Logan using the imagination to stargaze a few nights ago when Logan was sharing a fact about a constellation that Virgil had already forgotten all about and when Virgil had made a remark about how much of a star nerd Logan was he had, instead of huffing and playing offended, simply smiled just slightly and told him about how often he used the imagination for stargazing.

He doesn't quite know what he has done to deserve to be invited, but when Logan had knocked on his door and asked if he had wanted to join him there had not been more than a second of hesitation before Virgil had nodded.

"There's the Andromeda galaxy." Logan said, pointing towards a spot in the vastness of the space above them and Virgil tried to find what he was talking about, trying to refocus his thoughts around what Logan had been telling him.

"Hmm?" Virgil thought he saw what Logan was trying to show him, a tiny cluster of stars that vaguely made him think of a very small version of the little dipper, which one of the few constellations that he could actually find on his own.

"It can be difficult to fathom that something that is two thousand five hundred and thirty seven million light years away can be visible to the naked eye." Logan said with what Virgil recognized to be a small sigh of simple wonder. Virgil didn't know how to explain the light feeling in his chest at the sight.

"Even more so that in over four billion years the Andromeda galaxy will collide with our own." Logan continued, pushing his glasses up a little bit, the light of the small lantern he had brought with them reflecting in his glasses. (It was nice to at least slightly be able to see each other and where they had put their mugs of hot chocolate, or they would have definitely spilled at least one of them over Logan's picnic blanket by now.)

"Huh, cool." Virgil said, keeping the cluster of stars in his sight and trying to imagine what that collision would be like, vaguely aware that the information Logan had just provided did not scare him in the least.

It definitely felt like the kind of thing that would have Virgil nervously chewing on his nails and walking around with a gut feeling of dread and impending doom for a week, even if he wouldn't be alive for the event. But there was a comforting feeling of calm in the very air around them, or at least it felt that way.

He hadn't even been worried about the darkness around them and what might be hiding away in it, because he was far too busy with the fact that he was being trusted with something clearly so important to Logan, and the fact that he simply felt safe when Logan was with him.

Maybe it wasn't so weird and unfathomable why Logan had decided on bringing Virgil with him to stargaze. Sharing things that were important with people who were important almost always made said thing even better. But he still couldn't really fathom that he had deserved that trust.

Then again over the past few months they had grown a lot closer, what with the other four sides always around having begun seeking out the much calmer company of each other. Virgil cared very much for all of them, but Logan was definitely the one out of his fellow sides that was the easiest to spend time with.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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