[66] - Might Not

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Hello I love you all <3 your continuous support means the world to me

Oof I can't name things, it's the hardest part of writing


"Yes, I hear what you're saying, but I don't care about that right now," Roman said to Logan, who looked like he'd rather be somewhere else, where he was being listened to, at the moment, "it's an issue for another time. Let's instead focus on what Thomas actually brought us here for."

Logan made a gesture of annoyance, letting Roman go back to talking to Thomas. He looked extremely irritated but seemed to have decided to leave it for later. Roman, Thomas and Patton didn't make any attempt to bring him into the conversation, instead they changed the topic to Thomas' passions, discussing what they wanted him to do next. They didn't make any completely horrible suggestions, so Virgil felt no need to interrupt, but he did turn to Logan and roll his eyes. Logan discreetly made an agreeing little nod before giving the others an unimpressed glance.

Then Logan just shrugged, turning back to Virgil and smiling at him, a small action that made Virgil feel as if there were butterflies in his stomach. He flashed Logan a small, slightly uncertain smile, before looking back down at the stairs where he was standing. He was too awkward to maintain eye contact with Logan for too long, he didn't want to accidentally do something embarrassing. Knowing himself he'd most likely end up embarrassing himself.

Glancing up again a moment later, because he just couldn't help himself, he realized that Logan was still observing him, and his heart did a little surprised jump in his chest. He forced himself to look back up at Logan to meet his eyes, like someone who was functioning correctly would do, and he felt a smile force its way onto his face, making him unwillingly give Logan an even more fond look, mentally cursing at himself for not just being able to act like a normal person. He worried that someone would notice him acting strange, and maybe even figure out why.

He couldn't find it in himself to look away, and apparently neither could Logan, because they both kept their gazes on each other. Virgil hoped desperately that the way Logan was looking at him wouldn't end with him blushing, and he was fighting not to lose his internal battle to keep his gaze away from Logan's pretty lips.

Lately Virgil always felt as if there was something between them, but he disregarded the thought each time, because it was just too unrealistic to think that something would ever happen between the two of them. At least from Virgil's point of view, and he didn't really dare to think more positively than that, he feared that he'd only be setting himself up for heartbreak then.

That didn't stop him from smiling at Logan right now though, and neither did it stop him from allowing himself to continue looking at Logan. After all, Logan kept his gaze on him, and why should Virgil be the first to look away? (And why should he have to admit to himself that he was getting lost in Logan's eyes?)

The thought made him let out a small sigh, and Virgil then noticed that the room was very quiet, and he finally forced his gaze away from Logan and to the others, who were all observing them. The tiny smile immediately dropped from his face, as if it'd never been there in the first place, and he tried to look unbothered, despite the fact that he hated to be the center of attention.

"You guys okay over there there?" Roman said, smiling smugly and looking between Logan and Virgil. Logan looked like he very suddenly became aware of the other people in the room, and the fact that they were all in the middle of filming a video for Thomas' channel. Logan only cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up, returning his focus to what was going on without showing in any way that he had done something unusual. Virgil instead pulled his hood up and stared down at the floor for a minute, until the others went back to discussing Thomas' problem and he no longer could feel their eyes on him.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now