[170] - Disappointment

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Heyo sweeties ily

Human au

Warnings: mentions of homophobia, logan is sad


Logan had been lying awake for a long while now, not even near falling asleep. His husband, who was lying really close to him and making it hard to move without bothering him, Logan thought had fallen asleep a little while ago, but he wasn't entirely sure.

If he had fallen asleep then Logan didn't want to take the chance of walking him up, but he also did not want to stay in bed, or in this room really. Actually, Logan wished he was back home in their own house, sleeping in their bed, having spent the Christmas day just the two of them.

But after his parents had called and asked if he wanted to come home for Christmas, and bring his husband with him, Logan had eventually decided to accept. He hadn't seen much of his family for the past three years, not after deciding to come out to them all by inviting them to his and Virgil's wedding. Logan had really hoped this invitation meant that his family was ready to fully accept him, but they clearlt weren't yet at the point that Logan had wished they would be.

But he and Virgil had survived christmas day and now they were both in Logan's old room (he was slightly surprised his parents had left it be and not done something else with the room after he moved out) lying in his old bed since the drive back home was too long to do tonight.

The highlights of the day had been meeting his older sister again, they actually got along well and she had always supported him but they rarely met since they lived far away, having sort of moved in opposite directions when moving out. She had been one of the few of his relatives to come to his wedding (others included two cousins, his aunt and her husband, and one uncle).

Logan pushed the covers off of himself, trying to get out of bed without moving too much or making any sounds, pulling a warm blanket from a chair in his room and wrapping it around himself. He wanted a bit of fresh air.


Logan turned around to see Virgil sitting up, suffocating a yawn. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, V, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I am just going to get a bit of fresh air." He said, watching Virgil leave bed and walk up to him.

"You didn't, I was still awake. And I'm coming with you." Virgil's hand slid into his, their fingers entwining. Logan knew there was no use in arguing against it, plus Virgil's company would always make him feel better.

Quietly and without saying anything else they both made their way down the stairs and to the back door (it was unlocked, luckily), hopefully no one was awake and wondering what they were up to. Logan closed the door behind them and they sat down together on the floor of the porch. Logan held the blanket open and pulled it around them both once Virgil had scooted closer.

The grass in the garden was frosty and now and then the clouds parted and let the moon shine down on the world, their exhales turned into mist. Despite all the negative and conflicting emotions that Logan was feeling being back here he supposed it was nice to be somewhere far from the bigger city where he and Virgil had their apartment.

"You good?" Virgil asked, breaking the silence and Logan had to take a moment to articulate his thoughts.

"...I'm disappointed, I guess," Logan said, trailing off and sighing, "I had hoped things would be different. I'd expected that when we were invited here that meant my parents were ready to accept me."

"I genuinely don't think they realize the way they act is upsetting, which I am unsure if it makes matters better or worse." He continued, letting his frustration and bitterness finally get to him. He hadn't thought his parents could make him feel any more let down after they'd decided not to come to his and Virgil's wedding, but he'd been wrong.

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