[62] - An Inappropriate Dare

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That was an hilarious addition and I had to write it

Technically I guess this is kind of like a prompt from @717totoro lmao, hope you're happy

I do not have requests open, so please do not leave any

Warnings: inappropriate pickup line, dare, swearing, probably a bit awkward

I'm sorry about the pickup line, I googled inappropriate pickup lines and that one made me laugh so much that I chose it


When Logan was younger he had never understood why adults and teens had always turned around and tried not to laugh, or why elderly ladies and men had gasped and looked affronted when they saw the words that were written in cursive on his arm. They looked to be tattooed into his skin, but he knew better. They had always been there and would always be there, as they were on everyone's arms.

As a teen he had understood what they meant, but he didn't care much for the phrase, but he wondered slightly over who would say something like that to him, what kind of person was his soulmate? Logan wasn't sure of who could possibly e the perfect fit for him. He was well aware of the fact that he wasn't that social, and he only had one real friend. (A really sweet guy named Patton, he always stuck up for him) He had always been slightly intrigued though, when would he meet this person?

As an adult he found the words a bit bothersome, he worked as a teacher at a high school and when the students found out about what sentence their serious and professional teacher had on his wrist, they found it quite funny. At first he had always worn a long sleeved shirt to work, but during the summers it had been unbearable because of the heat.

So after a short while he had just screwed his original plan and hoped that his students would keep respecting him despite the, um, rather unusual words that he had imprinted on his skin. Luckily his students had only spent one class laughing and wiggling their eyebrows, joking about it.

It only took a little while for the whole school to find out about it, the words spread fast. Not that he cared very much. He was just annoyed over the fact that it was hard to have a whole class for the rest of the day. Kids really found things like these interesting. Then again, most of his students were not terribly interested in math so they took any distraction they could to find to get out of working.

Tonight it was Saturday and to get a bit of variation he had brought the maths tests that he needed to grade and gone to a coffee shop. It was quite busy in there at the moment, it was around 6 pm and people were just getting out of work. Apparently people liked to drink coffee on their way home.

But he found it to be a nice atmosphere to work in. The sounds around him and mumble of voices that blended together did not bother him, at home it was too silent. He actually found it quite relaxing to sit in a calm corner of the busy shop, grading and drinking coffee. Okay, he wasn't actually sure if what he was drinking was coffee, he had just chosen a random hot drink from the menu. There were so many to choose from and he didn't have time to read what was in each and every one of them. He just knew there were a lot of strange ingredients in what he was drinking.

After a long while of grading, it was probably well over 8pm by now and he only had a few tests left to grade, his eyes caught movement in front of him. It was much calmer in the coffee shop now, and at first he thought it was a server who wanted to ask if he wanted anything else. It was not. A really nervous guy stood in front of him, he looked a bit pale and kept glancing back at another man who was sitting a few tables away and were looking like he tried not to laugh.

"Are you a pirate? Because I have a lot of semen for you." The man spoke quickly and finger gunned at him. His hands were shaking. The guy a few tables away burst out laughing, making the few other strangers in the shop look over at him.

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