[41] - Under The Stars

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This is some half angsty hurt/comfort 😏 ok but Logan boi is suffering™ because of his feelings for Virgil and Virgil has no clue and then deceit is shit and Patton tries to make him feel better, he is good friend, but then deceit is shit again and Logan panics

Warnings: swearing, deceit being deceitful, someone gets punched, implied dirty dream (don't look at me like that, it's not as bad as it sounds)

This is a long one, my dudes. Wasn't meant to be, but I didn't know how to end it so I just kept writing and whoops, it's over 11300 words long


Feelings, the bane of his existence.

He had said it before, but during the time he had not been in the situation he was in now. That had been nothing compared to what he was up against now. Dealing with other peoples emotions and feelings he was bad at. Dealing with his own emotions and feelings he was awful at.

Never before have he had to deal with anything like this. He could not even begin to fathom why this was happening. And why was it happening to him? If it was Roman or Patton he could understand it. They were the ones used to emotions. Even if it was Virgil he could understand it, any one of the others are better suited to handle emotions than him.

No, Logan could not for the life of him understand why he was feeling these feelings. It was frustrating and he had no idea what to do about them. Especially at times like these, when he was trying to fall asleep at night, he just could not keep his mind from thinking about it. He would rather just ignore it, but it was impossible.

Now, he was not dumb, he knew exactly what these feelings were. And he also knew there was nothing he could do to make them go away. He would just have to stand them until they went away. If they went away.

But why he was feeling this way? He had not got a clue. It was illogical and stupid. It was against everything he stood for. Logic and feelings just did not go together. And he is logic for fucks sake. He felt as if this whole situation was ripping him apart.

Everything in his life could be explained by logic. But these feelings he could just not understand the point of. Were they just here to drive him insane? What was the purpose of feeling? He did not know the answer to his questions and he wasn't going to figure it out tonight. He knew that because he had been asking himself the same things since he had became aware of his feelings and had yet to come up with an answer. So the chances of tonight being the night he suddenly found answers were low.

Despite being tired he knew he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight. Giving up, he kicked the covers off of himself and sat up. He looked out over his room. Lately it had not been giving him the same sense of logic as it usually did, and being here did not make it easier to concentrate (at least not on what he wanted to concentrate on). He could bet it was because of his damned feelings.

So, accepting that he was not going to get any rest soon, he stood up. He grabbed his empty cup and the book he was currently reading that were both lying on his night stand. He was going to make some coffee and read a few chapters, then he was going to attempt to sleep again when the coffee had wore off. He made his way through his room and all the way to the doorway of the kitchen. He did not turn on any lights, finding it unnecessary when his eyes were used to the dark already.

Entering the kitchen he immediately spotted Virgil, the source of all of his current problems. He was sitting by the table in the dark. Logan suffered through the usual heart rate change and felt his arms go weak (he almost dropped his book). He was definitely not going to turn the light on now, he might be flustered too. And considering that Virgil had not turned the lights on when he himself had entered the kitchen he did not think Virgil would have a problem with Logan leaving them off.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now